The purpose of this website is to promote the idea that a county or city or some other small group of people could secede from the union, or as an alternative to formally seceding just ignore whatever the federal or state government tells them to do that they don’t like.
Sanctuary cities are in the news and the republican presidential candidates are shocked and confused that cities are ignoring laws they don’t like, and have been doing so for decades in some cases. Of course sanctuary cities are resisting federal tyranny in the form of immigration laws. Where a county clerk makes a sanctuary county to resist same-sex “marriage” they make campaign appearances. So they’ve revealed themselves to be hypocrites with a double standard.
The GOP candidates aren’t against locals flouting federal tyranny. They’re against allowing “illegal” immigrants to stay in the country.
This nation was founded on the idea that there is a law superior to the laws of men. Where the laws of men contradict God’s laws, it is the duty of the people to resist those laws, for they are no laws at all. That is the whole point of this website and what I’ve been saying for quite a while now.
And that concept is a concept that works, and is in force in over 300 cities and counties. Here’s more on sanctuary cities:
In the 1890s, the Roman Catholic bishop of New York complained that the Roman church is losing a large number of its members among the coming immigrants. And that almost immediately after they leave Ellis Island.
The reason?
The Presbyterian churches of New York had an round-the-clock watch to wait for the groups of immigrants who came out of the immigration facility on Ellis Island, and offered them temporary shelter and English courses, as well as low-pay temporary employment in the city. (While politics was controlled by the Irish mafia of Tammany Hall, the business in the city was controlled by Presbyterians and Dutch Reformed. It wasn’t until John D. Rockefeller – a fundamentalist Baptist – moved his Standard Oil headquarters to NYC that a major non-Presbyterian player appeared on the market.) This changed the play field entirely.
Keep in mind that 65% of the Arabs in the US are Christians. At least half of them have converted AFTER they arrived. Of those who don’t convert, the vast majority either become secularized, or have already been secularized in their home countries. There is no reason why the [current crop of refugees from Syria] won’t have an even higher percentage of conversions.
Working for the Secession of Fremont County from the Union