The Freedoms You’re Losing

I’ve been discussing border issues a while, but I guess I’ve changed my tactic a little so I’m getting different responses. I’ve been talking about how people are so willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for safety. The surprising part is that people don’t even realize the freedoms they’re surrendering. So here’s the list.

1. In order to hire someone you have to act as an agent for the federal government to verify that the employee is legal to work.
2. You can’t hire whoever you want. You can only hire someone who is a citizen or has a green card.
3. You can’t have over to your house whoever you want. A foreigner can’t just legally show up but has to be approved to be in the country and if they are approved can’t just stay around, but can only be here on certain terms.
4. You have to have a passport to re-enter the U.S. in many instances after you’ve left the country. Passports are a pain. Keeping track of passports for a family of 6 is no easy task.
5. The immigration checkpoints within 100 miles of the border mean you can’t drive without being harassed by the government. Why is a [Nazi] checkpoint constitutional near the border but unconstitutional in Nebraska?

I used to think that an evil minority in Washington D.C. managed to take away our freedoms. I’m realizing more and more that Americans beg for their freedoms to be taken away. Ben Franklin said those who would give up liberty in exchange for safety are worthy of neither.