The Mystery

The following is all from Bojidar Marinov, and well-worth the time.

Here’s the mystery: In the 45 years child slaughter was approved by the supreme court, sixty million babies have been murdered in the womb. Abortion has been politicized and has further divided the two political parties.  Democrat families are far more likely to murder their children.  Given that, it is reasonable to think many of those 60 million murdered babies would grow up and vote Democrat. Given that roughly the same number vote for each side in presidential elections, one could assume that by now, the Democrat voting bloc would be drastically reduced.  Here is the mystery: It hasn’t.  How does that happen?

The argument that illegal immigrants replace the babies as voters doesn’t work, since the most generous estimate of the number of illegals here is 15 million. That’s not nearly enough.  Another main argument, “dead people vote Democrat” is equally invalid.  In both cases, the numbers are too low to explain the discrepancy. So where is the answer to the mystery?

It’s in the government schools, the same schools that counties endow with billions of dollars of bonds when the vote comes up. We think, “our schools are different,” but they are not. They are all part of the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto. And while parents watch FOX News and imagine themselves fighting against “cultural Marxism,” they actually deliver their children to the institution established by classical Marxism, as per the Communist Manifesto and then increase funding at every opportunity.  How many college graduates from Republican families vote Democrat?

So I told my Bulgarian listeners: “You can be active every day in evangelism, legal work, protests and other political activities, you can write blogs and deliver sermons and lectures, you can debate and defeat “cultural Marxism” all day long and you can translate and publish and promote good Christian and conservative and libertarian books and the world may look up to you as the ultimate example of a cultural warrior for Christ . . . if your children are still in the government schools, it is all pointless. Eventually, they will vote against your faith. So, before you do anything else, go back home, and take them out. And, pastors, you are especially guilty. So start preaching an exodus from the government schools right now, if you want the next generation of Christians to be there when you grow old.”

One pastor came to me after the sermon and confided, “I am one of those especially guilty. I knew about homeschooling many years ago, but I was too timid and lazy to do it. My children are grown up now, and they lack fervor in their faith. The school has taken a good care of them. But I will be changing my preaching. I will use your mystery as a starting point.”