Unpopular Founding Principles of this Country

Often I espouse some principle that is a basic truth of Christianity and a basic truth of America’s founding and people oppose it outright and call me a liberal. I can assure you I’m not a liberal. Even those who are in Facebook TEA Party groups. Here is a quick list of some of America’s founding principles and the implications that “conservatives” hate.

1. Rights come from God.

Hated implication A: Immigrants have the same rights as Americans. How can you abuse immigrants or even joke about killing them at the border as I’ve seen many people do? (And I actually don’t think they were joking.)
Hated implication B: If you reject God, there is no basis for rights at all. Any rights you may have could only come from men. In reality, our rights are to do whatever is not a sin (Romans 13:3-4).

2. Government is subject to the law.

Hated implication A: Cops are not above the law. Cops have to obey the law.
Hated implication B: You better know the law and your rights because men have died for those rights and surrendering your rights is disrespecting their sacrifice. Stop licking boots.

3. Liberty is more important than life.

Hated implication A: Freedom is worth dying for. Ben Franklin said those who would give up freedom for security are worthy of neither.
Hated implication B: If people doing legal activities make you mad, sorry, but life is tough.

4. Killing tyrants is perfectly acceptable.

Hated implication: You realize that the founding fathers were killing police, right?

5. People are to keep government accountable and within the bounds of the Constitution.

Hated implication: How in the world could we expect children who are educated by the government to keep government accountable? Don’t send your kids to public school.