What More Do You Need?

hitler5We’re all at a different place in noticing things. Some people notice them quickly, and some were busy when certain things were happening or whatever. But, anyone reading this no longer has an excuse.

The U.S. Navy is naming an oil ship after Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist from the 1970s. 

We think of nations as being on the right side or the wrong side. The USSR was on the wrong side, Nazi Germany, Castro’s Cuba, etc. They were doing evil things. They also do some good things, right? They’re not 100% evil–no one can be. But they were on the wrong side.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when your nation names a navy ship after a flagrant homosexual, you’re on the wrong side.

Maybe you’re not as bad as the USSR who killed 20 million people. Woops. We’ve dwarfed their 20 million with our 60 million aborted babies.

Maybe you’re not as bad as Nazi Germany starting unjust wars. Woops. The Iraq war is unjust, and has killed millions of innocent Iraqis, and has decimated the Christian population of Iraq, which was living in peace.

Maybe you’re not as socialist as the Cuban commies. Woops. We’ve recently socialized 14% of our economy under Obamacare. And we’ve had socialist public schools, police, fire services, roads, libraries, and on and on for a long time.

In case you missed all of those items, the U.S. Navy has named a ship after a homosexual rights activist. If that isn’t blatant, in-your-face evil, I don’t know what is.

Does this cause you to doubt whether you should say the pledge of allegiance? Does it make you wonder what you should do the next time you’re at a sporting event, and they play the Star Spangled Banner? I hope it does. I hope them naming this ship after this guy is a straw that breaks the camel’s back for many people.
