The Attitude of Cops

I aspire for my attitude in life to be that I would lay down my life for another–even a stranger. I realize that’s easier said than done. And, that doesn’t mean that I would be unwilling to kill to protect myself or my family. But to give one’s life to protect innocent people is a Christian virtue. Jesus said, “No greater love has any man than this, but to lay down his life for a friend (John 15:13).”

Shouldn’t that also be the attitude of police? We admire those who ran into the World Trade Center while everyone else was running out. But that seems like ancient history at this point. The attitude of the police seems that they are an army occupying enemy territory. Their safety comes first.

On Facebook, in reference to the dangerous situation shown in this video, a former cop said, “Well again, i would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6! Im going home to my kiddos!”

I can’t respond better than Jerri Lynn Ward, “So would innocent people encountering panicky trigger happy cops and they don’t get paid to take the risks that cops are paid for. Your statement convinces me even more that cops are not here to protect us but only to collect a salary and pension. It’s good that someone with your attitude is out of the profession.”

The victim in this video is almost certainly an idiot. But idiots don’t deserve the death penalty. The officer’s safety comes first, even if it costs someone else their life. And this officer won’t be held to the same standard as the citizenry. He gets special treatment. Good luck getting justice for Jerame Reid.