Country Boys Can Survive

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Speaking of masculinity in culture, I am inclined to repeat an anecdote which I have written of here before long ago, but which bears repeating in light of the current discussion of “free speech”.  The bottom line is this:  a healthy culture SELF-POLICES and naturally, swiftly and efficiently quashes that speech which should be suppressed.  You don’t need the government to get involved – the onus is actually on the people themselves to take care of these things.  It’s almost like … SUBSIDIARITY IN PRACTICE, or something.

So here’s the anecdote.  Many years ago in the early ’90s, I attended the annual Threshing Bee in McLouth, Kansas.  A Threshing Bee is very similar to a county fair, and features antique farm machinery (including operating steam engines), tractor pulls, draft horse competitions, booths, a fairway with games, rides and food concessions – a quintessential rural American family event.  One evening we were watching the tractor pull and draft horse competitions, and some drunken idiot in the stands started screaming and yelling all manner of curses and obscenities.  This was in the early evening, and there were families and children all around.  This went on for about 30 seconds, and then spontaneously, about six men out of the crowd without a word stood up, mustered, and discreetly surrounded and confronted the drunk.  One of the men assumed the lead and told the drunk that either he shut his mouth and leave the premises RIGHT NOW, or the men would shut his mouth for him and physically remove him.  They didn’t ask him, they told him.  His only choice was, do it easy or do it hard, but either way, it was getting done.

This is what I’m talking about.  This is subsidiarity in action.  There wasn’t even a need to go summon the sheriff’s deputy who was the on-duty security.  Why?  Because the PEOPLE, in this case a small group of able-bodied men, had not only the ability, but thereby also the duty to self-police and handle the situation.  And because they were actual MEN, with their testicles intact, and not residing in a pickle jar on top of their teevee, or in their wives’ purses, the situation was quickly and discreetly handled.

Because no, drunken trailer trash jackasses do NOT have the “right” to scream the f-word at public, family-oriented events.  Another example of this that comes to mind is, in fact, teevee.  If any of the satanic agitporn trash that passes for prime-time teevee today (think 2 1/2 Men or Family Guy or Real Housewives of…) were to air in ARSH 1957, the era of “Leave It To Beaver”, “Dragnet” and “Gunsmoke”, understand that the American people themselves would have demanded, not just made idle, impotent, five-minute threats about boycotts, but demanded and PHYSICALLY BACKED IT UP that the network and people responsible be held to account, punished, and that it not happen again.  I know it is hard to imagine this today, but it is true.  The culture was still healthy enough to self-police.  Today, we are so far gone and so lacking in any sort of masculine initiative or boundary-setting, that the entire notion of a self-policing, subsidiary social order SEEMS impossible.  And so, tyranny you shall have, until such time as you get off your effete, apathetic asses and restore your balls to their proper position.