A Good Ancap Argument

Yesterday, I gave my thoughts on anarcho-capitalism. My purpose
was to get to this post and discuss at least one ancap’s approach
to battle the growing tyranny we face. I think there is a lot of
truth in what he says about unjust government, like the one we

His argument is something I’ve never heard before. He has used
this argument to get people out of traffic tickets and tax bills.
He asks why the law applies to him. They’ll say because the law
says it does. Of course, that is a circular argument, and is
therefore a non-answer. Judges, IRS agents, lawyers with their
juris doctorate can’t answer the question.

I can answer the question of why just laws apply. There is no
answer for why unjust laws apply. The only reason why anyone
complies with unjust laws is because we will suffer violence at
the hand of government. The only rule for unbiblical, unjust
government, which has rejected God’s law, is might makes right.

The reason why just laws apply is because we are created in God’s
image, and His law is the definition of justice. Of course, we’ve
rejected that in this country. No self-respecting judge could
utter such a thing in an American court room. So, this argument is
very effective, and plays into the wheelhouse of this website. It
is presuppositional and theonomic. Choose Christ or choose