Abuse of Citizens

This is a comment from the comment section of the Youtube video I posted yesterday. I thought it was worth posting here. 

The quote is from DeMon Spencer.

I got an Audi for my 16th birthday and couldn’t wait to drive it to school. The first day I drove it I had a teacher who asked if it was mine. I said yes and then she told me it looked like a drug dealers car. I laughed it off.

The next day I got called to the principal’s office and two police officers are there waiting for me. They told me they got a tip that I may have illegal substances in my car and asked for my keys so they could search. They asked if I would give them my permission. I asked what if I don’t give you permission and they said they would just search it anyway. So I said yes.

Of course they didn’t find anything because I never had or even used drugs. After the search there were dirty dog paw prints all over my seats, they emptied everything out of my glove compartment and left it on the floor. I had a bag of snacks so they emptied that all over my car and didn’t put anything back.

It was a scary and extremely embarrassing incident because I was the only black kid in my school and everyone saw the cops searching my car. I still don’t know for sure but I think that teacher called the police. My parents were very angry and wanted to sue the school but I just wanted to forget it ever happened. It would have been one more thing that highlighted how different I was than my classmates and all I wanted to do was fit in.