All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

Unbelievable Cops Part XXIX

The Nazis were just doing their job when the executed Jews. That isn’t a valid excuse. Police need to start thinking about what is right and wrong, and stop harassing people needlessly. They should conscientiously object to enforcing unjust laws.

The nanny state wherever this video takes place cares about tires enough to inspect every car on the road. There are plenty of places where no such inspections take place. Right and wrong don’t have jurisdictions. There is a law above the laws of men. And in fact, unbiblical laws are codified lawlessness.

This cop should be ashamed of himself, and it looks like his conscience was pricked.

Unbelievable Cops Part XXVIII

At 50 seconds, the cop said, “When an officer asks who you are, you have to provide identification.”

That power-tripping woman actually believes that people have to identify themselves to her. It’s amazing.

I don’t know what state that happened in, but most states have laws similar to 16-3-103 of the Colorado Revised Statutes:

A peace officer may stop any person who he reasonably suspects is committing, has committed, or is about to commit a crime and may require him to give his name and address, identification if available, and an explanation of his actions. A peace officer shall not require any person who is stopped pursuant to this section to produce or divulge such person’s social security number. The stopping shall not constitute an arrest.

At 55 seconds, the other cop says, “You’re not allowed to record without asking.”

The First Amendment says that Americans have freedom of the press. She thinks she can bluster her way around the First Amendment.

Thank God the guy was recording.

Unvelievable Cops Part XXVII

I don’t like cussing personally, but it’s not illegal. The cameraman was arrested for disorderly conduct and obstruction. The charges should have been interfering with a cop’s power trip. And you can videotape anything in public, including kids. I’m sick of cops not knowing the law.

“This video could have been titled hero cop saves kid, but no, its gotta be Sgt. Gillissie assaults man filming,” Okolecki said.

Separation of Mosque and State

The phrase, “separation of church and state” isn’t in the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson used the phrase in a letter to Baptists in Danbury, Connecticut reassuring them that they would be free to exercise their religion in peace.

He didn’t say there would be separation of mosque and state; or temple and state. Protestants and Catholics are the only two religions that use the word “church” to describe their meeting place. Christianity was the religion of the American people. It was the worldview of the founding fathers and the presupposition of the people. I’m certainly not saying they were all true believers, but Christianity to them was like water to a fish. It is just the way things were.

The Bible says there should be separation of church and state. The church has its job. The state has its job. Neither ought to try to take over the job of the other. However, separation of Christianity and state is a recipe for disaster. Separation of religion and state is impossible. The only question is: Which religion is the state going to presuppose?

As an example, we can take the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision. The court pronounced that 2 dudes or 2 gals can marry each other. However, they limited marriage to two. The limited it to people. They limited it to people who aren’t blood relatives. They limited it to two consenting adults. They upheld all those limitations, because of the religious beliefs about marriage. Their religious beliefs dictate those limitations.

I realize some of those limitations weren’t up for debate, but they would probably uphold those limitations if they were considered.

You could say they maintained those limits for scientific reasons, saying that the offspring of cousins or siblings will probably have birth defects. But the desire to avoid birth defects is a religious belief.

You could say they limited marriage to consenting adults because children are unable to consent. Believing that a marriage ought only be entered into by consenting parties is based on nothing but blind faith and religious presuppositions.

I have no idea what possible reason they could give for limiting marriage to two people. I don’t think their humanism can offer any possible basis for the outlawing of polygamy. But rest assured, if they come up with a reason to limit marriage to two people, it will be a religious reason.

No one really wants marriage equality for all.

What I’m saying is that we need the state to openly hold a Christian worldview. It is the worldview that this country was founded on. It is the worldview that gave us our liberty. And as we leave it behind, we will suffer more and more tyranny.

I’m also saying we ought to be honest with ourselves. Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have fooled people into thinking that Christianity can’t be brought into matters of the state, but the religion of secular humanism is being brought in lock, stock and barrel. Can we be honest about that, and stop pretending that the government can reject religion, or make decisions without religion?

Great Immigration Conversation

It’s easy to point out the problems with conservative border policy. Changing someone’s mind is not so easy.

DL Hughes
Some of each. Press both buttons. Still, it ignores the real question about why they are invading our border. If they were honorable, they would stay in Mexico and start a revolution to overthrow their own corrupt government.
Nathan Conkey
Just like the Irish, English, Germans, Dutch and others, jolly dishonourable of them to do so.
DL Hughes
So wrong, Nathan. 12 million Germans (or other nationality) did not disrespect the US by sneaking across the border at night. Mexicans and those from Central America embarrass themselves with their presumption. If 12 million Chinese sneaked across our southern border, they would have been shot.

We welcome immigrants in the USA, just as it should be. However, people who come here should rightfully bring their education, good health and financial or intellectual capital–and do the paperwork to get here legally and honorably.

Invading Mexican hordes do not offer any of that. They bring, ignorance, disease and poverty to the US. People around the world should be unhappy about that… all the illegal aliens are stealing the opportunity from qualified legal immigrants to be here.
Nathan Conkey
Because honour is defined by compliance with Federal bureaucratic edicts, I understand.
DL Hughes
Honor is best defined by self-respect. 12 million Mexicans and people from Central Americans apparently don’t have that. They are willing to lie, cheat and steal to invade a land where they are not wanted. They know they are not wanted because of the Border Patrol, the fences and the fact many pay to get help to break the law.

Some Mexicans and people from Central America immigrate to the US legally. They are welcome, of course. The others are not.
Nathan Conkey
I never realised American Conservatives were so enamoured with arbitrary legislation invented by the big government brigade and put into force by bureaucrats. I though they wanted freedom. Very interesting.
Good job the huddled masses of Europeans were independently wealthy and well qualified, not like that dishonourable mass of Mexicans and Central Americans.


Might makes right is the religious belief of every government system that rejects Christ. The government has to win even these small battles.

Here are a couple of my favorite comments on this video:

Alex says, “Taking revenge for all those years he was bullied in school. Moral of the story is, be nice to the resource kids. They may well become police officers one day.”

Johnathon says, “What is wrong with those kids? It’s like they don’t even care!”

Finally! Some People Have Had Enough

The poor people of Arivaca, Arizona, a tiny town south of Tucson, have to pass through a Border Patrol checkpoint every time they leave town. Their Fourth Amendment rights are violated often. Members of the community have said:

Our children live in a world where they pass through a military-style checkpoint every morning and afternoon for school. Every time their parents take them to Tucson shopping. Every time they go to a friends house in Amado, or to Karate in Sahuarita. Men carry guns, dogs bark, lights flash.

Arivacans have started to do something about it. They’ve held protests at the checkpoint, monitored the agents for wrongdoing and met with their congressman.

I think they need to get a little more creative. Maybe something like building a road around the checkpoint or something.

Nevertheless, it is encouraging that they at least aren’t just lying down and taking it.


Should This Lady Get a Ticket or a Beating?

This lady was picking up her child from a Florida elementary school. There is a shortage of parking around the school, and officials have started issuing tickets when parents park on the grass.

Apparently, this lady didn’t show proper respect to this guy’s authority, so he had to teach her a lesson. She had to be taught a lesson in the religion of statism. Where men are the lawgivers with no authority from their Creator, the only authority they have comes through violence. Therefore, government violence is a religious exercise.

As a side note, public schools are the temple of this religion. Christians should remove their children ASAP. End public school!