Finally! Some People Have Had Enough

The poor people of Arivaca, Arizona, a tiny town south of Tucson, have to pass through a Border Patrol checkpoint every time they leave town. Their Fourth Amendment rights are violated often. Members of the community have said:

Our children live in a world where they pass through a military-style checkpoint every morning and afternoon for school. Every time their parents take them to Tucson shopping. Every time they go to a friends house in Amado, or to Karate in Sahuarita. Men carry guns, dogs bark, lights flash.

Arivacans have started to do something about it. They’ve held protests at the checkpoint, monitored the agents for wrongdoing and met with their congressman.

I think they need to get a little more creative. Maybe something like building a road around the checkpoint or something.

Nevertheless, it is encouraging that they at least aren’t just lying down and taking it.
