This is a 1:38 video where the border patrol agent did nothing especially harmful. The driver didn’t answer any questions but didn’t get his window smashed in. All’s well that ends well, right?
But here is the issue. Americans have the right to travel freely through this country without being harassed by the government. This guy is wearing a taxpayer-purchased uniform and is costing Americans at least $40,000/year with benefits–probably much more.
He is a drain on American productivity. He produces NOTHING of value. He is only a drag on the economy. That would be one thing if he were off in a cubicle in an office somewhere not bothering people. But he has the gall to think that it’s the right thing for him to do in life to harass people who are doing valuable things with their time.
People doing useful things for our economy have to slow down from 65 miles per hour to talk to this loser. That costs gas and time. Sometimes there are lines waiting to talk to these dorks. The whole thing is a travesty and a waste.
Christians who are employed by the border patrol should be encouraged and offered assistance to find a more productive line of work by their churches. Those who refuse to quit working for that agency should be placed under church discipline.
The videos where these agents beat and arrest someone are reprehensible, but what is just as wicked is when a law-abiding American has to pull over and talk to these idiots even if it’s only for just a few seconds.