It’s the Fool That Says There Is No God

Here is an example of presuppositional apologetics. Look up Greg Bahnsen or Sye ten Bruggencate to learn more. I’m not holding myself up as an example of a great apologist. My intent is just to show how easy it is.

When someone denies truth, they have shown themselves to be a fool and any rational conversation is over. This conversation kept going, but it was over the moment he said there’s no such thing as absolute truth. Here’s a conversation I had on Youtube.

Atheist: Got to say your god is the biggest tyrant to ever grace the paper. You claim obediance to a imaginary friend. And then say that your sense of morals are objective? Sad, really really sad!!!
Me: So, would you say Christianity is false? If so, you must believe in absolute truth. Where do you get absolute truth apart from the God of the Bible?
Atheist: Yes, and I can prove your god is nonexistant. Thats he is a malicious, genocidal, jealous, infantcidal oppressive prick. Absolute truth? No such thing. What makes you think anything in the bible is true?
Me: You said, “Absolute truth? No such thing.”

Are you saying it’s absolutely true that there’s no such thing as absolute truth? It’s either true or false, right? What am I missing?
Atheist: You can play word games and semantics with others, it wont work here. You are a idiot for having beliefs in imaginary, superstitious nonsense. Quit throwing up red herrings. I will call you out on apologist fallacies every time.
Me: You said, “…it wont work here.”

But that’s not absolutely true, is it? Nothing you say is true, because you deny truth, right?
Atheist: And what ‘truth’ would that be? And yes, if you pull WLC apologetic crap here I will annihilate you and your pathetic argument. If you got some actual evidence for your ‘truth’ then go for it or otherwise you really need to stfu. 
Me: Truth is that which conforms to the mind of God.

Saying there is no absolute truth is self-refuting and absurd. Every sentence you type demonstrates the folly of atheism.
Atheist: Every time you use the word god shows the ‘folley’ of theism and your wilfull ignorance and wilful servitude to a imaginary deity created by men to control the masses through intimidation and fear. One more question before I go. What is the worst sin of all? Doubt. LMAO If you doubt you will burn in hell forever. Good luck with your life of fear and slavery.
Me: Before you give up, I’d love to hear you take a stab at explaining how it’s true that there is no absolute truth. I’m up for a good laugh.