Bo Marinov Answering Objections to Open Borders

Here is Bo answering objections to a lady that said that having open borders is like leaving your front door unlocked. The following is Bo speaking, anything in quotes is the lady giving the objections:

We the citizens want to know who is coming and what they may be capable of? Well, that’s what the leftists say: “We the citizens want to know who has guns and what they can do with those guns.” The government is supposed to work for us, right? Simple common sense.

“That’s all……they need to go about coming here the right way, legally….”

You don’t know the law. There is no legal way to come, for most of them. The law is a socialist law, designed by Ted Kennedy to favor the trade unions. All the immigration laws in this country were designed by socialists. Before America had socialists in power, it was open borders.

“Are you willing to open the doors of your home for just the first ones who get there to move in among your family, eat your food, take the clothes you provided for your family, take your vehicle whenever they want, etc??????
There is no difference…..”

There is no difference????? There is no difference between a private owner owning his home and the government owning the land??? Are you serious? I used to hear that concept back in Eastern Europe, before 1989, under Communism. And I hear it hear it now in America, from Christians??? You believe the government is the owner of the land??? That is the dictionary definition of socialism. Since when are American Christians socialists?

“The people we put in office should do whatever is necessary to protect us and ours…..”

So if they decide that “whatever necessary” is murdering unborn babies, are you OK with that? Or arresting abortion protesters? Who decides what is necessary? Can the government violate the Law of God while “protecting” you? How safe are you under a government that makes arbitrary laws, criminalizing what the Bible doesn’t criminalize?