Bo on Abolishing the Police


Bojidar Marinov said, “It becomes clearer and clearer that police are an unnecessary, un-Biblical, and anti-Constitutional institution. We need to abolish it and replace it with court [summons] and armed citizenry. A standing army designed to oppress the citizenry – which is what police are – is an institution of tyranny.”

In response to a comment, he said, “We are just not used to the idea [of abolishing police forces]. This always reminds me of how people in Eastern Europe reacted to the legal changes after the fall of Communism: “What will happen if they remove government controls over prices? What will happen if all business is private and the private owner doesn’t want to hire people? What will happen when the government gets rid of its rental residential properties? What will happen if the land is returned to the owners? What will happen if everyone had a gun?”

The truth is, nothing dangerous will happen if we abolish police today. Our life will continue being the same as before – except that we won’t be extorted for made up “violations” and “crimes.”

The most obvious result will be the disappearance of government revenues. Look at NYC: The cops decided to withdraw from active policing, and the city went about its business with no problem – but then, it was the City government that was really concerned because there were no revenues!”