Category Archives: Abolish The Police

Special Treatment for Cops’ Families?

This is a fascinating gold mine of police hypocrisy. An NYPD officer’s wife was given a speeding ticket by an MTA officer, which is the police force for the transit system. Feel free to check out the link, but I took the highlights (which are many), because I can’t help but think that this would be removed from their website as it is too embarrassing for them, but maybe the whole website is like this.

The comments from the site are in normal font. My comments are italicized.


It’s important for me to get in touch with shield #2300 and ask him why he felt it necessary to say “I’m not even going to look at that” to my PBA card and proceed to write a speeding ticket on the Bronx River Parkway yesterday afternoon to my fukking WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ll show him the courtesy he so sorely lacks by not posting his name on a public forum.

Any help would be appreciated. Please inbox me.

I will find you.

The PBA (Police Benevolence Association) card is a union card that they can give to their friends to receive special treatment from other cops. Obviously, this reveals a huge integrity issue in the whole system. This first comment is outrageous enough. There are dozens more.


Guys who do that really think that they are NEVER going to retire.

But, when they least expect it, sometimes with WAY less than 20 years, they fall, trip, get stepped on, then go sick….but then the department doctor tells them, “Well, you’re finished….” At that time, they go into panic mode knowing their days of “authority” are over.

They then compensate by seeking the same “courtesy” that they themselves refused to extend, and are shocked…and demoralized…when it isn’t.

Even if you don’t run into him (not literally, of course), he’ll soon find out, “what goes around comes around.”

And I’m sure your post will be posted in at least one or two MTA locker rooms……

They must be used to receiving a lot of special treatment.


MTA PD has no quota system. Your wife was an easy target most are pussies.

From what I’ve seen, most police forces have no quota for their hiring system. Almost all of them are ignorant of the law.


MTA PD has its own Highway. I’ve met a few. Biggest tools in the box.


Original Commenter:

We’re not talking a cousin’s cousin’s plumber, or the mailman with a PBA card, either. I give out exactly two per year. One to her, one to my uncle, who’s as good as a father to me. Siblings don’t have one, best friends don’t get one.

There are multiple metro north stations in my command. Like I said, I will find you.

 I find this more insulting than if the guy wrote me personally.

I’ve always felt that a cop’s immediate family: mom, dad, wife or husband, and children is more sacred and should be treated with more respect than the cop him or herself. Those are the people he turns to when the uniform is off.

I’ve escorted moms, dads, and kids on aided jobs to the hospital and just sat with them BSing until the cop was able to get there just so both he and they knew someone was there for them.

I’m beside myself.

 More discussion of special treatment. This is why the police are unbiblical and unconstitutional. They’re using taxpayer money to show favor to some over others.


MTA is similar to the U.S. Govt it’s a criminal organization. Theft is from commuters every day and passed on through outrageous salaries and pensions.

Helloooooo? Look in the mirror, Mr. NYPD.


Thats really disheartening  .   That c*cksucker     He should have said tell your husband I said to slow down and have a nice Thanksgiving.    Un schooled dickhead.    I always made a point t teach the youngsters to always give moms dads and wives a pass.  Please  WTF is wrong with this world.

                   About a year or so into my retirement I pulled over for broken signal by NCPD rookie.  Showed him my shield and ID card, and he asked to see my License.  LOL  I laughed and said ” Absolutley not, I am a retired cop and I being respectful, you do not need to see anything else, “…….he nervously laughed and said to be careful.  We need to school this people early on.
                  This guy is either a complete dick or your wife was doing like 80.
This one really makes me mad. What would this guy do if I showed him an ID from my work and told him off when he asked for my driver’s license?


take it to court,
demand discovery then an adjournment, then after he testifies demand to see his qualification certificate, the fcc lic. for unit, and the testing certification paperwork for the unit used to cloick the wife. whern he fails to produce demand a dissmissal

This seems like good advice for fighting a traffic ticket.


That MTA cop is a tool, having said that whyindafuck does the MTA need a highway unit??? see this is the kinda bullsh*t that makes me wonder if the U.S. is creeping towards a Gestapo state the MTA is Trains and Buses NOT Highways and Cars. Can someone from the MTA explain that one to me or am I missing something?

Is  the U.S. creeping towards a Gestapo state? Absolutely. And here’s a news flash for this guy: The other guys aren’t the problem; he’s the problem. The NYPD is the problem. It wasn’t the MTA that choked Eric Garner to death for selling loose cigarettes.

And this is a good reminder for all of us to hold ourselves to the same standard we hold others. Don’t call the cops willy nilly, because it could be a death sentence for the person you’re calling on. Another example is condemning someone for taking Obamacare benefits while sending our kids to public school. How will anyone live by God’s law if the Christians won’t?


They need a hwy unit to have the pension.
They had to show they do other than ride trains and hide and call the real police
When !!@# happens.

Summons isnt police work. Its a tool for doing police work.

Our hwy tools need to know that.


I agree 110% if you don’t respect my immediate family then you don’t respect me or your chosen profession. They need to be put on blast for us and their coworkers to shame or defend.


I have to give complements to a Young Officer by NY’s Bear Mountain Bridge, It was late, I was on Route 6 in a Hurry to get to NYC, at the Circle, I stopped Properly, and did see the Officers Cruiser at the Right Hand Side, as I entered the Circle, the lights to the Cruiser turned on, he proceeded to stop me, I immediately pulled over, as he approached I informed him I was retired from the NYPD, I handed him my retired ID, he glanced at it looked at me, most likely comparing Photo to my present appearance, handed it back, with a “Have a Nice Day” I replied Thank you with the added words, “have a safe tour”, and was back on my way to NYC.

This officer was young maybe early 20’s, but displayed the standards of Professionalism and Respect for both Active and Retired LEO’s, so, I commend him, and anyone who showed him what to do during such an Encounter.
As to this other Officer from the MTA, I surely hope one day someone related to him – happens to get stopped and receives the same Non-Courtesy he gave to the immediate family of a Retiree.
It’s as if they all have the entitlement mentality of a welfare queen.


Different Breed of men now. Most are scared of their own shadow.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This is what I’ve been saying for a long time now. When I say it, cop worshipers gang up on me. What can they say when a cop says it? 



Overpaid security guard with police status. why the F do they have or need ESU, and especially HIGHWAY UNIT!

Fake ass dept. Waste of funds.

They had to call in real cops to take over Penn Station.

Is he talking about MTA or NYPD, because from where I’m sitting, they’re all just a bunch of power-tripping losers. Since this nation has rejected God’s law, it is rule by force, and they are all just wearing costumes.


I can’t wrap my mind around writing a fellow officers wife’s a ticket. Take solace that the officer probably lives a miserable life. We have a officer down here that was well know for writing officers tickets. He is now assigned to property room inventorying crow bars. I hope that punk officer gets his pay back soon.

Cops expect to not receive the treatment they dish out. Sickening!

If You’re Not Breaking The Law, You Have Nothing To Worry About

There’s an old meme going around saying that if you don’t break the law, you don’t have to worry about getting beat up. Unfortunately that’s not true. The standing army of “law” enforcement routinely harass, beat, arrest and murder people who aren’t breaking the law.

Here’s just another example of a college kid who was filming police as they arrested someone and was beaten to the point of having broken bones in his face, spent the weekend in jail, yet was never charged. He’s settling for $100,000 from the Seattle PD, but that seems low to me. I know my facial bones are worth more than $100,000 to me.

We Need New Tactics

I’m glad these people are doing something to stand against the lies that have been told about them. But, the problem isn’t the New York Times. They only started the problem. Their real problem is the state. The auditors are coming. The auditors probably don’t carry guns, but men with guns, employed by the state are just a phone call away.

  1. What is the biblical penalty for paying a worker less than minimum wage, assuming the worker agreed to work for that? There is no biblical penalty.
  2. What is the biblical penalty for paying a worker with cash, and not keeping adequate records? There is no biblical penalty.
  3. If a Christian government employee tries to impose a penalty for a “crime” that the Bible says is no crime, they should be placed under church discipline.

That is new tactic number 1. Churches need to place Christian government agents imposing unjust laws on people under church discipline.

New Tactic number 2: Refuse to purchase the bonds the state is requiring. We must obey God rather than men.

New Tactic number 3: These nail salon people have at least dozens of people willing to protest. The next step is for each nail salon to refuse to be audited, and to call on these protesters to block the doors if necessary. Hopefully other citizens who care about liberty will join them.

We no longer live in a capitalist or free country. The tactics we’ve employed thus far have not worked. Suing the government in government courts with tyrannical judges doesn’t work. We need new tactics. We need to sweat the small stuff. I care about the liberty of Chinese immigrants in New York who don’t speak a lick of English. I want liberty for them, and I will stand with them given the opportunity.

M&M Logic

Every day Christians on Facebook keep repeating this analogy: If you had a handful of M & Ms and you knew two of them were poisoned, what would you do?

Meaning, we should not give any Syrians refuge in this country, because we would be letting in a certain percentage of terrorists. Unfortunately, that analogy can be applied to any group of people to justify their abuse. Japanese-Americans were thrown into prison camps in World War II using M&M logic. Using M&M logic everyone would be in favor of abolishing the police, because we all agree that there are a certain percentage that are bad.


Here’s what Bojidar had to say on that.

“Police commit many more crimes than Muslims in the US. If conservatives applied the same logic to police, we would have all cops banished from this country and police shut down forever as an institution. The fact that we see these memes applied only to politically weak groups and not to the real problem, the politically powerful standing army of police, undermines the conservative position and makes it laughable.

Inconsistency destroys credibility. If you are not willing to apply your logic across the board, don’t even bother.”

A Bad Meme

My confused Christian friend posted this.
My confused Christian friend posted this.

I don’t care for this meme for several reasons.

1. Being a cop isn’t that dangerous. Here is a list of the most dangerous jobs in America. Cops don’t even make the top 10.

1. Fishing
2. Logging
3. Pilots
4. Trash Collection
5. Roofing
6. Structural iron workers
7. Construction
8. Farming
9. Truck Drivers
10. Mining

2. Cops enforce the unjust, unconstitutional and unbiblical laws of a nation under God’s judgment. Unless you’re some kind of socialist/fascist (which Christians cannot be, even though it seems most Americans are socialist/fascist) that loves the direction this country is going, I don’t see why you would thank those who unflinchingly enforce unjust laws.

3. If you support police, do you support your county clerk who is almost certainly issuing same-sex marriage licenses? Cops make sure that county clerks issue those licenses. Kim Davis wasn’t hauled off to jail by the judge, but by police.

4. Police forces are funded by money taken by force. No one consults me on whether I agree to pay these taxes. I would like to unsubscribe to many government services, and investigate free-market alternatives (including security services), but that is rarely ever an option. I’m forced to pay for the monopolistic government option whether I like it or not.

5. There shouldn’t be any group of people who have special rights in this country–people who aren’t held to the same standard as everyone else. This is unbiblical and unconstitutional.

6. It has been my personal experience and abundant anecdotal evidence points to the fact that all too often police don’t know the law–even laws they ought to know. It would be one thing if they were humble about their ignorance, but they seem to become beligerant when people don’t blindly follow their orders, even when the cops are clearly in the wrong.

7. More than 1000 people per year are killed by police. It’s hard to tell how many of these killings are murder and how many are justified. I also think that a certain percentage that are technically justified could be prevented if cops weren’t so trigger happy. However, I think many of those 1000 killings per year are murder. It doesn’t matter how much the laws favor cops and their use of deadly force. The Bible defines murder and cops may be cleared by a human judge and yet stand before the perfect Judge as murderers.

Romans 13 Abuse

It seems like almost every time I discuss what Christians should be doing about the terrible state of our country, they whip out the ridiculous interpretation of Romans 13 card.  You can see a few examples here, and here (where a pastor comes out saying that Romans 13 means they must rent their parking lot to the cops) as just a couple examples.

This is another egregious example from a conversation on Facebook. I posted a reasoned response to his original post, and his comeback is to type “Romans 13”. He didn’t offer any sort of interpretation. He just expects that Romans 13 just so obviously teaches blind obedience to government that just its mere utterance is adequate to win a debate, as if I’ve never read that before. It’s kind of funny, so I thought I’d post a picture of the conversation with the names removed.


I’ve written about the proper interpretation of Romans 13 before, but here are some more thoughts.

Colossians 3:20 says, “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”

Ephesians 5:24 says, “But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.”

As you can see, children should obey their parents, without exception. Wives should submit to their husbands without exception.  No Christians take these verses to mean that children and wives obey no matter what. If a mother tells her kids to rob a convenience store, they should disobey. If a husband tells his wife to murder someone, she should disobey.

Those verses place no qualifications on the obedience of children and wives, but we still realize they’re not absolute. Romans 13 places qualifications on obedience to government (saying magistrates are ministers of God, and telling us their role is to punish evil), but so many Christians say we should shut up and obey.

And in case you think you should obey the government unless it tells you to sin, you’re being naive.