Category Archives: Abolish The Police

Nice Bad Cops

These cops kicked abortion protesters out of the Women Betrayed rally, contradicting their own policy.
Christians keep telling me that most cops are good, and it’s just a few bad apples that give them all a bad name. Some have even numbered it as high as 99%.
But these two cops are blindly obeying their orders. They check their conscience at the door, and obey wicked orders. Even though they were nice about it, they’re still bad cops!
Where are the 99% of good cops to stand up to these two? Wouldn’t you have to concede that these two probably bring the percentage of good cops in that precinct down a few percent?

Ordering the abortion victims to leave the #WomenBetrayed rally. #BabiesBetrayed

Posted by Sarah Cleveland on Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Poke, Poke

Ray Comfort posted on Facebook, saying it’s a good idea to meekly obey police, because they have a gun. I certainly agree that if you argue or assert your rights or defy a petty tyrant, you may not like the consequences.

There were a lot of people who responded to his post; some said good things and some said bad. I went through and commented on several people’s comments, poking them with a stick, hoping to provoke a conversation.

First of all, I don’t like Facebook for conversation. With hundreds of comments on Comfort’s post, there’s no way for me to find out whether anyone responded to me unless I just go through and search. Maybe there’s a way and I just don’t know it.

Here is one such scenario:

Jason Kauffman said:

Less than 1% of the police force are corrupt. So for those of you trying to justify police brutality and make yourself a victim, you have a 99% of nothing negative happening when you do what an officer says. That’s better odds than Vegas.

I said:

Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops.


Molly Morris said:

None? Not one? Bill please tell me you are not that ignorant. My husband is a man of the Lord. He is a protector, a provider, a Godly husband and a devoted father. The LORD put in his heart to protect and serve the people of this nation, so he became a Marine. He was again called to protect the people of our community, so he became a police officer. for you to make blanket statements about there being no good police officers is to truly disagree with God’s own plan and design for my husband’s life. If that is honestly what you believe then I feel sorry for you sir, and I will pray for you, to bring your heart into full submission to the Lord


Jason Kauffman said:

Bill your smarter than that, unless you’re 7. Are you 7 Bill? Cause then I would understand your lack of knowledge.


Juli Adcock said:

Bill, apparently you are not familiar with how our system of governance has been set up. The sovereign power first resided with God who gave us liberty to include choosing our leaders. When the citizens of this nation do a poor job of choosing representation, laws and court rulings such as abortion “rights” happen. If you are pointing fingers at police officers, I hope you realize that there are 3 pointing back at you.


I said:

Juli said, “When the citizens of this nation do a poor job of choosing representation, laws and court rulings such as abortion “rights” happen.” That is my point exactly. We have arrived at the point where the laws of this nation are corrupt and evil. Who should we blame? There is plenty of blame to go around. But the pagan laws of this nation are enforced by police. What do you think would happen if the “Christian” cops quit checking their conscience at the door, and quit enforcing pagan laws?

Molly, Your husband is not a good cop or a good man. He enforces our evil laws by threatening people with violence. He may be saved, but he only continues in his wicked job because Christians like you all don’t know the Bible. I hope your husband doesn’t enforce laws that are contradictory to God’s law. He won’t stand before God and say he was just following orders.

Good cops don’t remain cops for very long.


I messaged Molly and Juli to notify them of my comment, but I never heard anything else from them.

Unconstitutional Policing

The video below is an example of what I’ve been talking about vis a vis police being unconstitutional and there being no good cops. The cop in the video would almost certainly be considered a good cop by most upstanding Americans.

But he goes on a spree of ruining people’s day, and collecting fines for victimless and arbitrary crimes. Biblically, fines don’t go to the state. They go to the party that was harmed by the crime. Of course, no one was harmed in any of these instances.

Every time something bad happens, legislators are pressured to pass a new law. That is idolatry, and has made this an unfree country. If it was up to me, there would be teaching from the pulpit that this cop’s behavior is sinful, and Christians should not participate in that profession. Any member of a church who does such a thing would be under church discipline.

Is it just me or are all motorcycle cops really dorky?

Good Cops Don’t Remain Cops for Long

Good cops can’t blindly follow orders to enforce wicked laws. Most of the laws in this nation at this point are wicked laws. When a cop acts righteously, he won’t remain a cop for long, because to be a cop, you must act unrighteously.

Here’s an example of a good cop in this video. You can see how the wicked cops responded. They were embarrassed. They arrested him and fired him.

So much for good cops. How many times has a good cop stepped up since Chet Gallagher did? I seriously doubt there’s more than 10, and sadly I’d be willing to bet that most of them weren’t Christians. Many of the remaining wicked cops think they’re Christians. They must start acting righteously, which will lead to their immediate firing or face church discipline for shirking their duty to stand for God’s law.

I Found Another Bad Apple

People keep saying that bad cops are a fraction of a percent of police. But, I certainly have no trouble finding power-tripping cops. There are hundreds of examples of them on Youtube. I’ve been the victim of cops who are so incompetent that they’re not even familiar with the first amendment (or maybe they were just trying to bully me), threatening to arrest me while I was doing perfectly legal evangelism on a public street.

I realize bad encounters with cops are more likely to be uploaded and written about, while hundreds or thousands of non-confrontational encounters go unnoticed by the internet. Most people don’t know their rights. They do what the cops ask and thank the cop for their ticket, even though there was no victim in their crime. Most such traffic laws are unjust and arbitrary, and the cop is just generating revenue for the city. That is a dirty cop, and an un-Constitutional encounter, but it won’t end up on Youtube.

However, what is the standard for a good cop? What percentage of the time can a cop shred the Constitution and still be considered a good cop? Is it 1 in 1000? 1 in 100? 1 in 10? I mean 90% observance of the constitution would be an A in school, right? Does anyone really think that a cop doesn’t try to flout the Constitution in at least 1% of encounters? Any cop who intentionally ignores the Constitution ever in their entire career, once, is a bad cop in my book.

They swore to uphold the Constitution. To ignore the Constitution once is to break their oath. Cops make mistakes, and are often woefully ignorant of the law, but I’m not even talking about that. I’m only talking about intentionally trying to bully someone and ignoring their rights.

But when you think about it, it’s their job to get people to give up their rights. It is perfectly legal for them to lie or play tricks on people in order to get them to give up their rights. They try to get people talking without an attorney (i.e. give up their right to an attorney),  or consent to a search of their car or house without a warrant (i.e. give up their 4th Amendment right). Their job is to get information to present to the judge and jury that will result in a conviction.

Does anyone really believe that by my standard, most cops are good cops? If my standard is wrong, what is the standard?

What about the biblical standard? God doesn’t care about the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence, or the Colorado Revised Statutes. He only cares about His law. He is God after all.

By God’s standard, there are no good cops. Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops. Cops don’t make laws, they just enforce the laws. That is the problem, and that’s what makes them all bad. They check their conscience at the door and go out to enforce the unjust laws of a pagan nation by force–with a deadly weapon on their hip and favored status under the law.

When the Nazis were put on trial for their evil acts, their excuse was that they were just following orders. If your job requires you to obey evil orders, or doesn’t allow you to act righteously, you should QUIT YOUR JOB. You belong to an evil profession, and by remaining in it you are being evil.

Here’s a video of one of those “rare” bad apples. Quite the power trip she’s on. She thinks she can kick people off the sidewalk, as if it belongs to her. And sad to say it’s no surprise she doesn’t know the laws on recording, even though she’s a law enforcement officer.


Eric Garner Was Murdered

I said it at the time. Eric Garner was murdered. Maybe not by man’s law, but by God’s law he was murdered.

Now, Eric Garner’s family has settled for a payment of $5.9M. If it wasn’t murder, and there was no chance a jury would find in favor of the family, I could see them settling for $100,000 or $200,000, or maybe even $500,000, just to avoid all the lawyer’s fees. But almost $6M is a lot to pay for people who aren’t guilty of murder.

Abolish Abortion and the Police!

On my previous post, I quoted Bojidar saying that police always lie. Here’s a good example. Were they lying about the public property and trying to bully her or are they just incompetent? I truly don’t know, but the higher ranking guy clearly knew.

I’ve had debates about evangelism tactics with cops like this before, and what I was doing was much more tame. Why would they think the evangelist cares about what they think?

Encouragement for the Day


Bojidar Marinov says, “Every single positive change in history starts with change in our hearts, and change in the pulpit. Which means, concerning the standing occupying army of police, we need to first change our hearts and trust God that maintaining a social order is not the same as having a standing army for terrorizing the population. Then we need to purge the pulpits of any preacher who supports the existence of police, or the existence of any other tyranny. At the very least, do not support with your money pulpits which support tyranny.

Once preaching is changed, the change in the culture will come very quickly.”