I Found Another Bad Apple

People keep saying that bad cops are a fraction of a percent of police. But, I certainly have no trouble finding power-tripping cops. There are hundreds of examples of them on Youtube. I’ve been the victim of cops who are so incompetent that they’re not even familiar with the first amendment (or maybe they were just trying to bully me), threatening to arrest me while I was doing perfectly legal evangelism on a public street.

I realize bad encounters with cops are more likely to be uploaded and written about, while hundreds or thousands of non-confrontational encounters go unnoticed by the internet. Most people don’t know their rights. They do what the cops ask and thank the cop for their ticket, even though there was no victim in their crime. Most such traffic laws are unjust and arbitrary, and the cop is just generating revenue for the city. That is a dirty cop, and an un-Constitutional encounter, but it won’t end up on Youtube.

However, what is the standard for a good cop? What percentage of the time can a cop shred the Constitution and still be considered a good cop? Is it 1 in 1000? 1 in 100? 1 in 10? I mean 90% observance of the constitution would be an A in school, right? Does anyone really think that a cop doesn’t try to flout the Constitution in at least 1% of encounters? Any cop who intentionally ignores the Constitution ever in their entire career, once, is a bad cop in my book.

They swore to uphold the Constitution. To ignore the Constitution once is to break their oath. Cops make mistakes, and are often woefully ignorant of the law, but I’m not even talking about that. I’m only talking about intentionally trying to bully someone and ignoring their rights.

But when you think about it, it’s their job to get people to give up their rights. It is perfectly legal for them to lie or play tricks on people in order to get them to give up their rights. They try to get people talking without an attorney (i.e. give up their right to an attorney),  or consent to a search of their car or house without a warrant (i.e. give up their 4th Amendment right). Their job is to get information to present to the judge and jury that will result in a conviction.

Does anyone really believe that by my standard, most cops are good cops? If my standard is wrong, what is the standard?

What about the biblical standard? God doesn’t care about the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence, or the Colorado Revised Statutes. He only cares about His law. He is God after all.

By God’s standard, there are no good cops. Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops. Cops don’t make laws, they just enforce the laws. That is the problem, and that’s what makes them all bad. They check their conscience at the door and go out to enforce the unjust laws of a pagan nation by force–with a deadly weapon on their hip and favored status under the law.

When the Nazis were put on trial for their evil acts, their excuse was that they were just following orders. If your job requires you to obey evil orders, or doesn’t allow you to act righteously, you should QUIT YOUR JOB. You belong to an evil profession, and by remaining in it you are being evil.

Here’s a video of one of those “rare” bad apples. Quite the power trip she’s on. She thinks she can kick people off the sidewalk, as if it belongs to her. And sad to say it’s no surprise she doesn’t know the laws on recording, even though she’s a law enforcement officer.