This is an amalgamation of the best comments I’ve heard on the overturning of Roe v Wade.
Occasionally people use something being legal to justify their sin, so there is one less court saying abortion is somehow constitutionally-protected. However, the decision also makes it clear that the murder of babies is acceptable if a state says so. States have defied the Supreme Court and federal law often, such as with legalization of marijuana, yet no state was willing to defy them to protect babies.
Many conservative states have taken the position that abortion is wrong except in the cases of the health of the mother or rape and incest. Abortion is wrong because it’s the murder of a human being, regardless of whether the father is a rapist. That is the only possible reason that abortion is wrong, and making exceptions to complete abolition is a terrible and self-defeating strategy.
The main strategy favored by some of my radical anti-abortion friends (I’d like to consider myself a radical anti-abortionist as well though I’m not as bold as many of the people I speak of) has been to work with state governments to defy Roe v Wade. They are often romansthirteened by even conservative Christians who say we shouldn’t be defying any level of government. Now, Christians have no excuse. It’s time to get in the battle. You can work to make abortion illegal at the state level or you can work to make it unthinkable by proclamation of God’s Word and gospel.
Overall, the decision is a partial victory and a glimmer of hope. It is a call to the church that there are no more excuses to avoid bold action. Take some time to celebrate and then get back to work.
A meme from a few years ago pointing out the stupidity of obeying Roe v Wade. Now, the gate is open.
If you want to lose the debate on abortion, and ensure that it stays legal for another 47 years, this is the moronic line of argumentation you should use.
He’s pro-life unless the baby’s father is a rapist, or may endanger the mother. Then, the baby is apparently subhuman, and can be cut into pieces. And ol’ Mr. greatest gift to the pro-life movement is actually pro-choice.
If you want to start winning this debate, you have to hold a consistent position. Abortion is murder, because babies are human from conception. The baby of a rapist is still a human with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If a pregnancy is risking the life of the mother, both the mother and the baby should receive the maximum amount of medical treatment available. (I don’t know what kind of mother would say that if her life was in danger, her child should be hacked to pieces.)
In reality, this is generally the pro-life position, certainly of elected officials. If this is what passes for pro-life, we need to put an end to the pro-life movement. there is a movement to abolish abortion, and this movement is called abolitionism. That is what I am, and there is no peace with child sacrifice in abolitionism.
I had a conversation in a Christian Facebook group. A lady asked for advice on whether her son should be come a cop. I posted the following initial response to her question, and ended up introducing new concepts to several people. I’m sure the seeds will grow, but they have been planted.
Here’s my first comment, and the rest of the conversation.
ME: Christians should avoid law enforcement. The laws in this country are becoming more and more pagan. As just one example, police have demonstrated that they’re unwilling to protect unborn babies, but they are willing to protect abortion businesses.
I’m going to school to be an LEO and I WILL make a difference. People WILL know me by my fruits.
MISTY: thats ridiculous talk. Avoid law enforcement?? So the streets can be over taken by crooked and “pagan” cops?? How about leading by example and being different?
SHERYL: my husband is a believer and that is quite offensive. God places his people in all areas of life, including government, for His glory and His purpose.
MISTY: please thank him for his service!!My husband is also a believer and an LEO #bluefamily
KAYLA: This is just silly and ludicrous.
ME: A Christian enforcing pagan laws is not better than a pagan enforcing pagan laws.
A Christian cop who wanted to be consistent with scripture won’t keep their job for long.
SHERYL: still offensive. You have no idea how my husband, and others, want to be consistent with scripture. Abortion isn’t the only issue in society.
BETH: that is ridiculous to think that all officers are put in that position. My husband is a law enforcement officer an absolutely committed to the Lord. With that logic someone could say don’t be a Christian because I knew one one time who did……and plus all the more reason we need godly men in that position.
You are correct though the time is coming when we’re all going to lose our jobs if we’re not willing the cave on our convictions. But it’s not just law enforcement.
ME: The job description of government is given in Romans 13:3-4. Their only job is to punish evildoers. Abortionists are evildoers who not only go unpunished, but are protected by police. 60 million babies have been murdered, in this country. That is 10 times the number of Jews Hitler killed. I’ve heard all the excuses from cops, but zero cops are being consistent with Scripture, because a huge number of murders have taken place, and the murders continue with the blessing of police.
Cops from small towns think they’re off the hook at this point, saying there are no abortion clinics in their town. (As if they would be shutting down the clinics single handedly if they lived in a big city). Unfortunately, there are very few agencies so small that they don’t have a pharmacy, where chemical abortions are sold over the counter. God only knows how many millions more babies are legally murdered while the small town Christian cops delude themselves into thinking their hands are clean.
Abortion is only the most egregious issue. I could run down a list of major injustices and issues committed by Christian cops.
Sheryl, abortion isn’t the only issue, but what a pitiful excuse for your husband’s inaction on the issue. If he can’t do his job of punishing murderers, he should quit. But he’s got a pension to worry about, right? I’m not questioning anyone’s salvation or their self-delusion about their commitment to Scripture. But it is quite simple to show how there are no cops who fulfill their God-given job description.
MIKE: this is one of the dumbest lines of argument I’ve seen on Facebook. Congratulations.
Thankfully in the time you spewed out this garbage and painted an entire community of people with your broad flawless brush there have been hundreds if not thousands of officers actions that have made a difference in the world we live in. Romans 13 also says that God chooses our leaders and we should be subject to the leadership. Life is complicated, but the answer is not for every Christian to exit law enforcement and it certainly isn’t for some random dude on the top row of the bleachers to command what everyone else should and should not do.
ME: Those are the same arguments used by the guards at Nazi concentration camps. Stop twisting Romans 13, and do what it says.
Abortions are not safe. They are a serious medical procedure which has serious consequences for the mother. Of course, far and away the most serious issue is that the baby dies by being murdered in the womb.
Jesus said there is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend. What greater selfless act of love could there be than for a woman to carry a baby she may not want for nine months and give birth? What more heinous act of selfishness could there be than for a woman to hire an assassin to rip a baby apart?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Christians are against abortion. But are they against it enough to actually do anything? If they were passionately against abortion, what would it look like?
First of all, Canon City has about 20,000 people. That would mean there are probably more than 10,000 professing Christians (which is somewhat meaningless), and I’d guess about 2,000 that are actually saved. What would happen if those 2000 people spent 2 hours per month fighting abortion and preaching the gospel? That would not be too much to ask. In fact, it’s commanded in Scripture (not the 2 hours, but the caring for orphans). Abortion is murder, and children are being torn limb from limb, legally, in this country.
What would 4000 man-hours spent per month look like in Canon City? First of all, there are about 720 hours in a month. Let’s eliminate any type of work from 10 pm to 7 am, as there aren’t much people around at those times. That means there are about 450 working hours per month. That would mean there would be nine Christians laboring to end child sacrifice from 7 am to 10 pm every day. That would be impressive. How much discussion would there be if there were always Christians out agitating the public?
Of course, the more likely scenario is that people would concentrate their efforts a little more. There might be times when there are more people out. You might hear Christians bringing up the topic wherever they go. Maybe we could picket pharmacies until they stop selling their abortion pills.
There are no abortion clinics here, but there is in Colorado Springs. There, there are enough Christians to block the doors of the abortion clinic so that no one could ever even approach the doors. I’ve been to the Planned Parenthood there, when my family were the only ones there.
We already have everything we need to end abortion. We have enough people and the God-given conscience of everyone else who know murder is wrong. This saying is right: Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by permission of the church.”
Proverbs 24:11: Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
James 1:27: Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Cops routinely lie about whether a citizen is required to show identification. You can catch the actual lying at 1:43.
There are awesome cop blockers and free speech advocates among Christians who are preaching the gospel/working to abolish abortion. They just don’t call themselves cop blockers or promote their videos that way. The cop blockers and citizen journalists go around and sometimes seem to be trying to provoke cops (which is fine and I enjoy watching that important work) while Christians truly have a purpose for what they’re doing.
Personally, I’d tell this guy that I respect neither him nor the law. Any cop that doesn’t lift a finger to protect unborn babies deserves no respect. Any country with laws that allow the murder of 60 million babies deserves no respect.
Furthermore, any cop that would pull someone over for disrespect, aka exercising the 1st amendment constitutional right, is not worthy of respect. His job is to protect constitutional rights, not use government resources to discourage their exercise.
A couple of my Christian friends have said that they support the police because they protect us. There are a few problems with that.
1. That’s not their God-given job.
The only job of government is to punish evildoers (Romans 13:4). THERE IS NO OTHER PURPOSE. Protecting the people is not the purpose of government.
2. Police don’t protect us.
a) They’ve failed to protect the 60 million babies murdered by abortion. They are bad at their job.
b) Government is the biggest thief and murderer. Their theft by civil asset forfeiture alone is greater than private theft. That’s not to mention property taxes, income taxes, vehicle taxes, etc. Police and government are the thieves we need to be protected from.
3. Americans are armed. The reason there aren’t gangs of thugs going around robbing, raping and pillaging (other than the police) is because Americans are armed, and a home invader knows there’s a good shot he’ll have his head blown off.
Those who would sacrifice freedom for security are worth of neither.
Here’s how Bojidar Marinov answers the question asked in the title.
“Is abortion our national sin, or is it only the personal sin of those mothers and the abortion doctors?
If it is just personal guilt, we shouldn’t worry about God’s judgment. And our fight against abortion is rather a hobby. Whether babies are killed or not is not our personal problem.
But if it is national sin, on what basis do we project the personal sin of a few mothers and doctors onto the whole nation?
That’s right: COVENANTAL IDENTIFICATION. We are members of the same covenantal entity, the USA, and we all have our participation in the forming of its laws. And because of that, if and when God decides to bring judgment on America for her national sin of abortion, we all will be the recipients of His wrath, whether we have personal guilt or not.
Same with the South African farmers. For three generations they identified as a separate group from the blacks; and they used their political power to legislate identity policies of oppression, injustice, theft, and slavery. And what is worse, they used the name of Christ.”
Here’s a little background on this story. A bill was submitted to the Texas state legislature earlier this year, HB948. Its purpose was to abolish abortion, and instructed the state to ignore any judges at any level that attempted to strike down the law. The bill was blocked from being voted on by Byron Cook who is a legislator. He is Republican and pro-life. He is also a deacon at a Baptist church in Corsicana, Texas.
Since he used his power to block this clearly righteous bill, he should be under church discipline. But his pietistic 501c3 social club isn’t into that sort of thing, so abolitionists protested his church from the public sidewalk.
“This was disrespectful, inconsiderate and inexcusable to be in front of a church on Sunday morning where these little ones were walking in to learn about Jesus and the Bible,” Elmer Tanner, Navarro County Sheriff stated in a social media post. “It was uncalled-for and was as classless an act as I have ever witnessed.”
“Be angry with a law, a situation or a person, but direct your protest at the right place and the right time,” Tanner stated. “Not at a place of worship where children are needing to feel safe, welcomed, eager and excited to be … Nothing beneficial came out of this display today. Nothing.”
Sixty million babies have been murdered in this country. This dirtbag sheriff has done absolutely nothing in his official capacity to stop it. He would almost certainly say stopping abortion isn’t his job, and that his job is just to enforce the law. That is the same excuse the Nazi guards used during their trials at Nuremberg.
Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops. Tanner is the proof of that statement.
The funny thing is that HB948 would have required sheriffs like Tanner to stand up to tyrants and baby murderers. Tanner is clearly too big of a sissy to do that. He would fold in front of a fed like a little girl.
Working for the Secession of Fremont County from the Union