The Overturning of Roe v Wade

This is an amalgamation of the best comments I’ve heard on the overturning of Roe v Wade.

Occasionally people use something being legal to justify their sin, so there is one less court saying abortion is somehow constitutionally-protected. However, the decision also makes it clear that the murder of babies is acceptable if a state says so. States have defied the Supreme Court and federal law often, such as with legalization of marijuana, yet no state was willing to defy them to protect babies.

Many conservative states have taken the position that abortion is wrong except in the cases of the health of the mother or rape and incest. Abortion is wrong because it’s the murder of a human being, regardless of whether the father is a rapist. That is the only possible reason that abortion is wrong, and making exceptions to complete abolition is a terrible and self-defeating strategy.

The main strategy favored by some of my radical anti-abortion friends (I’d like to consider myself a radical anti-abortionist as well though I’m not as bold as many of the people I speak of) has been to work with state governments to defy Roe v Wade. They are often romansthirteened by even conservative Christians who say we shouldn’t be defying any level of government. Now, Christians have no excuse. It’s time to get in the battle. You can work to make abortion illegal at the state level or you can work to make it unthinkable by proclamation of God’s Word and gospel.

Overall, the decision is a partial victory and a glimmer of hope. It is a call to the church that there are no more excuses to avoid bold action. Take some time to celebrate and then get back to work.

A meme from a few years ago pointing out the stupidity of obeying Roe v Wade. Now, the gate is open.