Clean Our Own House

I’m in a Facebook group advocating for eliminating property taxes in Texas. I’m a pig in slop in that group, and it’s a large group. So many people are decrying the evils of government stealing via taxation and threats of confiscation. It’s awesome.

I don’t really know how they hope to fund things after eliminating property taxes. I’m in favor of not funding them at all. All government programs funded by theft should be eliminated, and if there is a demand for those services, there will be people who will fill the demand in the free market.

There is one woman in the group who thinks only people who send their kids to public school should be forced to pay property tax. I agree. However, it takes about $10-15,000 to educate a child in public school for a year. You could send a kid to a very nice private school for that amount. There are very few Texans with 2 kids paying $20,000 or more per year to their school district in property tax. Parents sending their kids to public school are receiving more in benefits from public school then they are paying.

I pointed out her hypocritical mooching and she is not my fan. Here’s the conversation.