Category Archives: Power Trip

I Can’t Believe It. I Found Another Wicked Cop. I’m Shocked.

This is unbelievable behavior from this cop, who is obviously a dirtbag. Of course, another cop showed up, and did nothing to stop the first dirtbag, so he is at the very best, a weakling, who is unable to stand up for what’s right, or maybe he’s just a dirtbag, too.

Of course, a cop can sit there and detain you for hours while he writes tickets. Then, he gets paid to show up to court, while the rest of us have to take time off work, and maybe even hire a lawyer. Even if the charges are dropped, he still doled out a significant punishment. He should be fired, but he’ll probably get a promotion.

If you hear some dinging while the video is playing, it is in the video. I was hearing it, and wondering where the dinging was coming from.

Here’s an update on what happened in this case:

The school police turned it over the Miami-Dade State Attorney to prosecute Kristy. Kristy then went to court. It took three seconds… Miami-Dade State Attorney: “The state takes no action.” The Miami-Dade State Attorney dropped the police officer’s charge. Kristy Hernandez: “All I know is that a lot of weight is off my shoulders.” The other four citations from the police officer were also thrown out, leaving Kristy smiling. Kristy Hernandez: “Beyond happy trying to contain my happy tears.”

Here’s A Power Tripping Cop For You

This cop has no idea what he’s talking about, yet insists on talking. He’s also a jerk. At least he didn’t taze the guy and arrest him. We can be thankful for small blessings.

As an aside, I don’t understand what the point of owning a sports car in America. I get speeding tickets in a mini van, I can only imagine the extra scrutiny that comes with a sports car. I don’t think you’d stand much chance of ever getting to really drive it to its ability, unless you took it on a track.

I love This Guy

I love the guy in this video. Cops should be embarrassed by their jobs.

  • They should feel ashamed that they protect themselves over the citizens and their rights.
  • They should feel ashamed that they force everyone to pay for their services whether we want to or not.
  • They should feel ashamed that they enforce ridiculous laws and try to blame politicians.
  • They should feel ashamed that they kill umpteen times more dogs than mailmen.
  • They should feel ashamed that they write traffic tickets when there is no victim, and (in Colorado at least) most traffic violations aren’t even considered crimes but “infractions”.
  • They should feel ashamed when they write a ticket for not having the right sticker on a license plate.
  • They should feel ashamed when they arrest people for marijuana.
  • Above all, they should feel ashamed that they’re so cowardly that they have done absolutely nothing to prevent the murder of 60 million unborn babies.

Is this the most evil cop ever?

You just have to watch until about 1:30 to 2:00 to see what may be the most ridiculous behavior in the history of police abuse. There are some further threats and manhandling a little later, but the first part is the most egregious. 

The cop was later recommended for firing, but quit before being fired. So he’s probably still a cop somewhere as he was never actually fired. The victim of this abuse received $50,000, which seems like a really sweet deal for the city. I think he could have received more.

Lying Cops #1009

The law in every state is that you must be suspected of a crime before the police can lawfully demand ID. I often wonder whether these cops genuinely don’t know that or whether they know it and they’re trying to intimidate people into surrendering their rights. I think in this case, they were lying through their teeth saying this guy had to give ID, since they ended up walking away.

Either way, their behavior is reprehensible, as supposedly, the American people have hired them to protect us and our rights. They fail miserably at that job (they’ve failed to protect 60 million babies murdered by abortion), and in fact attempt to take away our rights. You have to know what your rights are, and protect your own rights against these armed nut jobs. They will not protect your rights.

And these two guys are unfit for service as they’re morbidly obese, and I think they’re probably quite stupid.

When are citizens going to hold these people accountable? When are people going to realize that cops aren’t protecting anyone? I’ll answer my own questions. It will be either 10 years after pastors start preaching God’s law, or 10 years after the majority of children no longer attend public school.

Time to Wake Up

You have to check out this incident. The cops went to take away the guns of a guy based only on the testimony of one person. The guy refused, and was murdered by the police.

I admire him for following through on the promise that so many make–that the only way you’ll get their guns is to take them out of their cold dead hands.

This also shows that when cops say they’ll never participate in taking guns from people, they’re either lying, or there is no shortage of cops who make no such claim. The job of police is to take away your rights.

I think what the cops who say they’ll never participate in confiscating firearms actually mean is that they won’t go door-to-door taking everyone’s guns. They don’t mean they won’t take someone’s guns who had a warrant signed by a judge. They won’t take a minute to determine whether the process is just, or whether the judge is wrong. None of them would hesitate to take someone’s guns in that situation. That is what they all do every day, even those who say they believe in the 2nd Amendment and would never participate in a gun confiscation scenario.

This is murder by the biblical standard, but there will never be any arrests, much less a trial. There is a standard for justice beyond the laws of men.

Now, what I want everyone to realize is that the police are the enemy of freedom. They are the ones who will come and  take it. If it has to be taken out of your cold dead hand, that’s just fine. So many of the so-called patriots are also thin-blue-line bootlickers. We can do something about this, but only if freedom-loving Americans are able to discern who the enemy is.