Time to Wake Up

You have to check out this incident. The cops went to take away the guns of a guy based only on the testimony of one person. The guy refused, and was murdered by the police.

I admire him for following through on the promise that so many make–that the only way you’ll get their guns is to take them out of their cold dead hands.

This also shows that when cops say they’ll never participate in taking guns from people, they’re either lying, or there is no shortage of cops who make no such claim. The job of police is to take away your rights.

I think what the cops who say they’ll never participate in confiscating firearms actually mean is that they won’t go door-to-door taking everyone’s guns. They don’t mean they won’t take someone’s guns who had a warrant signed by a judge. They won’t take a minute to determine whether the process is just, or whether the judge is wrong. None of them would hesitate to take someone’s guns in that situation. That is what they all do every day, even those who say they believe in the 2nd Amendment and would never participate in a gun confiscation scenario.

This is murder by the biblical standard, but there will never be any arrests, much less a trial. There is a standard for justice beyond the laws of men.

Now, what I want everyone to realize is that the police are the enemy of freedom. They are the ones who will come and  take it. If it has to be taken out of your cold dead hand, that’s just fine. So many of the so-called patriots are also thin-blue-line bootlickers. We can do something about this, but only if freedom-loving Americans are able to discern who the enemy is.