This is Luscious

Here’s a small school district in Ohio where homeschoolers are having a tremendous effect in destroying public school. This is how we end socialism: we stop participating. We stop accepting the benefits.

It’s easy to mock Bernie Sanders for being a socialist, and wanting to make college free for everyone. The question is, are those who are mocking him for wanting 17 years of free education benefiting from 13 years of free education for their children? If they are, they have no credibility. They’re socialist hypocrites who are helping build up American socialism.

Here’s the quote from the article that is worth its weight in gold. If this doesn’t motivate you to homeschool, I don’t know what will.

“And, home schooling is causing the bottom to fall out of public education. There is a whole new subculture regarding home school, and no one hates it more than me.”

That’s cause for celebration in my book!

No one hates public school more than me. If we can cause the bottom to fall out of it just by doing what Scripture demands parents do–take charge of our children’s education, let’s do it! If your children are already grown, you can help parents who have school-aged children. Homeschoolers in your area almost certainly have Facebook groups where you can join and hopefully find opportunities to help.

Homeschooling may be the most important thing we can do to win our country for Christ. And, if you’re worried about the quality of education your kids receive at home, you should be worried about the quality of education they receive at public school. The U.S. ranks very poorly in the world for education. Homeschooled kids aren’t missing out on anything except a substandard, socialist education.