Here’s this short and sweet conversation from Facebook on a conservative group. This guy is a socialist, and he doesn’t even realize it.
He clearly doesn’t get it. He thinks that taxes are his generous donation, and I’m the stupid one. This is not a rare conversation on that group. This one is more succinct than most, but there are people who consider themselves to be good conservatives who are actually raging socialists. They are the problem with this country.
Social security seems to be a hot button for many of the people receiving its benefits. I don’t know how old this guy is, but that was his main issue. I think that receiving or depending on that government check in the mail will make you blind to certain facts. It is important that we don’t accept the bait of government “gifts” as much as possible, because there seems to be a hook hidden in them.
He did to the guy exactly what he’s accusing the guy of. That is the kind of absurdity and hypocrisy that rejecting Christ leads to. Bernie’s brand of socialism is wicked because it is based on government theft, and appeals to the covetousness of the people.
I try not to spend too much time on federal politics, but I will take a moment to expose stupidity at any level.
Here Mark Zuckerberg touts his religion saying that we ought to have universal basic income in this country. People can tout their religion all day. The problem is that in Zuckerberg’s religion they are willing to kill those who don’t bow down and participate.
He’s perfectly free to give away his money to whomever he wants. But he doesn’t want to do that. He wants the government to do it for him. Not only that, but he wants to use the force of the state to make everyone participate in his scheme whether they want to or not.
No Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, JW, Mormon or Muslim has ever held a gun to my head or issued a credible threat of further violence if I don’t participate in their religion. However, every day I face those threats from one religion: statism. One of the fundamental blind-faith beliefs of the statist religion is that an immoral act can become a moral act if performed by the government. If this act passes through the magical religious rituals of getting the right people to vote on it or sign off on it, an immoral act becomes a moral act.
I’m sick of it. Zuckerberg can do what he wants with his money. He has a zillion dollars, but it’s not enough. He covets more money. He wants the money of others to enact this scheme, to the point that those who refuse will be jailed and murdered if they resist. I think he’s a reprehensible person, and his religion is the most evil on earth.
I hate taxation. The Bible says that the only valid taxation is to punish evil (Romans 13:4-6). But, if people would donate for something, then that is voluntary, and therefore isn’t theft.
I think the above example, is not the best example, as government preventing the free movement of non-criminal people is Marxism. However, it could work for roads, parks, utilities, etc.
You may be wondering what the response is to the question in the meme. Here is just a sample.
I’m sure there are some no votes, but there are 3000 comments on this post, and the vast majority are yes. These idiots want to donate to the federal government, who forces them to pay thousands of dollars every year–one of the most poorly-run organizations in the history of mankind.
I would donate for certain projects/causes that are currently operated by government monopoly, if the government got out of the way, if the people who were running the project were accountable for how good a job they did.
An older guy who is truly a very kind person, and has an official (though unpaid) position at my church posted the following.
With friends like this who are confused and distorting the truth in such a way, who needs enemies? This guy is smart, and a knowledgeable Christian.
If social security was insurance, it wouldn’t be paid out to everyone. But it is mandatory to pay in and everyone collects who lives past a certain age.
We also know it’s not insurance, because the first people to collect barely paid anything in. “The first monthly payment was issued on January 31, 1940 to Ida May Fuller. She paid a total of $24.75 into the Social Security System. Her first check was for $22.54. After her second check, Fuller already had received more than she contributed over the three-year period. She lived to be 100 and collected a total of $22,888.92.”
Social security is theft. It is not insurance. It is a Ponzi scheme. Government is the enemy of Christians. It is antichrist. That is the tidbit of truth that Christians are missing. There is no city, county, state or federal agency that is not an enemy to Christianity, free markets, and the truth.
Many baby boomers, like the man who posted the meme, are fond of mocking millennials. Millennials are probably worthy of mockery along with every other generation, but baby boomers are the real problem. Even the good ones defend socialist programs like social security.
You probably won’t hear this from many pulpits, but the Bible teaches these truths. If you want to learn more, I can help point you in the right direction. These have not been easy pills for me to swallow, and I suspect they won’t be easy for most others, but Christians are to be truth seekers and tellers, regardless of the consequences.
The U.S. government at every level is antichrist. It is your enemy.
The U.S. dollar system/federal reserve is sinful.
Public school is a sin. Sending your kids there is a sin.
The American law enforcement system is sinful and needs to be abolished.
Drugs aren’t illegal under God’s law, and only tyrants are in favor of them being illegal under man’s law.
Taxation is theft, voting for a tax increase is a sin.
To have government agents controling the border is sinful.
Requiring driver’s licences, building permits, liquor licences, business licences and on and on is a sin.
Prison/jail is an unjust, wicked punishment.
The U.S. has fought many unjust wars, and having a standing army is a judgment from God.
I’m not offering my opinion. These items are biblical truths. You are sinning if you send your kids to public school, are in favor of closed borders, support police, are in favor of keeping drugs illegal, vote for tax increases, etc.
These are controversial topics, but like I said, I’d be happy to explain why these items are true from the Bible.
I guess people’s perspective on the level of oppression is relative. Some people apparently think that if you’re rich, you can’t be oppressed. Were the Israelite slaves oppressed in Egypt? They had leeks and onions back in Egypt (Numbers 11:5). Maybe some people can be bought off.
If you’re a government farming the people, and you want to maximize your income, you shouldn’t tax them at 100%. Communist regimes fail. So, maybe they’ve figured out that current tax rates are near optimal, where people remain happy and comfortable, and the government still makes a lot of money. I don’t know.
All I know is there is an absolute standard in God’s law, and the U.S. government violates that standard. It doesn’t matter whether we’re better off than others. It only matters that they are violating God’s law, and we need to stand against them.
This guy wants the state out of his business, but is pulling for Bernie Sanders? They hypocrisy runs deep. We must all strive for consistency even if it means repenting from things we’ve said and done in the past.
It’s all a political game to keep conservatives supporting police. This support is crucial for the implementation of the DC Democrats agenda. As long as the conservatives’ discontent is focused on something remote like Obama, and their support is rallied for the tyrants who live on their street – the cops – tyranny will advance. Straight from Stalin’s book of social order.
The lesson from the American War for Independence and from the Puritan Revolution in England is that liberty is defended when the people realize that it is the local henchmen who need a spanking – and worse. The liberals in Washington DC have learned this lesson well.. Conservatives are still clueless.
I’ve been saying this for a while now: It isn’t about right versus left. It’s about liberty versus tyranny. Conservatives ought to be all about liberty, but they have been duped into compromise. I listened to Rush Limbaugh all the time, and he was always talking about limited government and liberty, but then conservatives take positions that contradict those fundamental beliefs.
Abolish Human Abortion is awesome. They’re saying things about abortion I’ve never heard before. They want to end abortion completely, with no exceptions. That is the biblical position. Traditional pro-life people are about taking baby steps and implementing restrictions gradually. I think the AHA system is something that will end abortion eventually. It is what God will bless, because it’s biblical, but it is shocking the first time you hear them say they want to end the pro-life movement.
We should be doing the same thing with other political issues. Socialism is completely unbiblical. We should not be compromising on that issue, but who is working to end things like public school or Social Security? No one (at least no elected official) is discussing ending socialism.
I’ve heard people say that so many Americans are armed that we could never be invaded by a foreign power. I always assumed that was true, but I’m rethinking that.
Don’t take the cheese!
I was witnessing at the bus station, and the lady I was speaking with said she was a Christian. I was walking away from her, and she shouts to the guy across the street asking if he could give her a bus pass.
Rumor has it, that 60% of Fremont County residents receive food stamps. I don’t know if that’s true or how to verify it.
It’s true that a lot of people have guns, but it seems like whoever wanted to take over could probably buy people off pretty easy. The state this country is in is pretty sad. I think people can be bought off pretty cheap. Then, after they’re bought off, all the guns would be turned on the good guys.
And it doesn’t have to be a foreign power. Hitler took over when inflation was out of control and people were hungry and without work. All he had to do to take over was give them jobs and food, so this is not without precedent.
Pastors need to start teaching that government handouts are evil. Not only because we have so much pride that we can’t take a handout. Though I wish that were true. Government handouts are evil, because:
1. The government gets their money by stealing it from people.
2. It is easy to become dependent on government. We’re supposed to be dependent on God.
3. Christians are supposed to be hard working (look up Protestant work ethic). We work for the Lord and to serve others (the greatest commandments). We work hard and the Lord provides.
How is it that we’ve got to the point where so many Christians are on food stamps, social security, medicare, free summer lunches and school lunches and public school? Government cheese comes with a trap. If Christians can’t live obediently to the Bible, who will?
Working for the Secession of Fremont County from the Union