I Think This Would Work

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I hate taxation. The Bible says that the only valid taxation is to punish evil (Romans 13:4-6). But, if people would donate for something, then that is voluntary, and therefore isn’t theft.

I think the above example, is not the best example, as government preventing the free movement of non-criminal people is Marxism. However, it could work for roads, parks, utilities, etc.

You may be wondering what the response is to the question in the meme. Here is just a sample.

I’m sure there are some no votes, but there are 3000 comments on this post, and the vast majority are yes. These idiots want to donate to the federal government, who forces them to pay thousands of dollars every year–one of the most poorly-run organizations in the history of mankind.

I would donate for certain projects/causes that are currently operated by government monopoly, if the government got out of the way, if the people who were running the project were accountable for how good a job they did.