Category Archives: Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God

Encouragement for the Day


Bojidar Marinov says, “Every single positive change in history starts with change in our hearts, and change in the pulpit. Which means, concerning the standing occupying army of police, we need to first change our hearts and trust God that maintaining a social order is not the same as having a standing army for terrorizing the population. Then we need to purge the pulpits of any preacher who supports the existence of police, or the existence of any other tyranny. At the very least, do not support with your money pulpits which support tyranny.

Once preaching is changed, the change in the culture will come very quickly.”

Radical Freedom of God’s Law

A society built on God’s law would be shockingly free. Conservatives  have been duped into advocating for border fences, when true conservatism ought to advocate the end of the border patrol and free immigration. Here’s some Milton Friedman advocating freedom and small government once again.

Our immigration laws are unjust and unbiblical and tyrannical. Normal people can help resist this tyranny by disobeying the law. Hire the best man at the best price for the job, even if you don’t know where he’s from.  At a border patrol checkpoint (if you are within 100 miles of the Mexican border), refuse to answer their questions. Don’t cooperate.

Another Great Post!

“Where are such preachers today? What do we hold dear? For what are we willing to fight and die? Are we willing even to preach the doctrines of government, liberty, and God’s Law? Where are the sermons, tracts, and pamphlets circulating today from America’s preachers condemning taxes and tyranny? Preachers in the 1760s spoke out, and some spilled their blood, to fight the erosion of jurisprudence and the onset of admiralty courts! Today we have a vast array of this type of court tyrannizing nearly every area of life, and hardly a pulpit even knows, let alone cares, let alone preaches. We had ministers leading men in the sacrifice of their lives and money over intrusive search warrants and seizures of property. Today where are even the sermons on these things?

“Pulpits across this land should be ringing with denunciation of warrantless wiretaps, extrajudicial drone strikes, no-knock warrants, militarization of police, civil forfeiture, the surveillance state, the welfare-warfare state, fiat money, tyrannized markets, executive orders, national emergencies, and a thousand other infractions so extreme and overt they would have driven King George III to join the rebellion himself. And the pulpits are silent.

“The pulpits are silent, the flocks left untrained and unmotivated, and liberty all but dead. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.”

Fair DUI Flyer for Colorado


Above is the Fair DUI flyer for Florida. See the previous post for how it is used. I noticed a change in the strategy since the last time they used it. Previously, they held the license, registration and insurance up to the window. This time, they put it in a bag and dangled it out the window. I didn’t think much of it, but a commenter on the video asked the question and was told that Florida has changed the law in the last few months to say that you have to hand the documents to the officer.

I found similar laws in Colorado. Hopefully, I can have the people at review the flyer and they can post it on their website for Colorado. Here is what I’ve found so far.

42-2-115. License, permit, or identification card to be exhibited on demand

(1) No person who has been issued a driver’s or minor driver’s license or an instruction permit or an identification card as defined in section 42-2-301 (2), who operates a motor vehicle in this state, and who has such license, permit, or identification card in such person’s immediate possession shall refuse to remove such license, permit, or identification card from any billfold, purse, cover, or other container and to hand the same to any peace officer who has requested such person to do so if such peace officer reasonably suspects that such person is committing, has committed, or is about to commit a violation of article 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 of this title.

(2) Any person who violates any provision of this section commits a class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense.


42-4-1707 (6) If the defendant does possess a valid Colorado driver’s license, the defendant shall not be required to execute a promise to appear on the penalty assessment notice or on the summons and complaint. The peace officer shall not require any person who is eligible to be issued a summons and complaint or a penalty assessment notice for a violation of this title to produce or divulge such person’s social security number.

Arrests Threatened

This is one of Jeff Gray’s most viewed videos, even though it was only posted a few days ago. Everything he did was perfectly legal.

However, two evil, statist Florida sheriffs have threatened to arrest anyone who tries it in their county.

“I challenge him…to please come to Lee County and drive around,” Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott said. “Eventually he’ll find one of our checkpoints and he’ll try his luck. He’ll go to jail.”

“It’s about doing the right thing and we are trying to do the right thing to protect the public and keep drunks who kill people off the road,” Gualtieri, Pinellas County Sheriff, said.

“The deputy can’t assess the person. And, if you can’t assess them, you are obstructing the investigation,” Gualtieri said.

“Just because you dangle in a bag with your drivers license, insurance card and registration out the window doesn’t mean you’re not drunk.”

I emailed both sheriffs and asked them to add me to their checkpoint notification list. Give me liberty or give me death.

Ignorant Americans

Why is America in the sad state it is in? Why do cops feel free to harass people and think they have a right to require ID? The answer is because Americans are ignorant of their rights. Below is evidence for that. It is the first several comments (with redacted cuss words)on the video below:

“I feel like these guys with open carry licenses go out HOPING someone tries to stop them to start ********.”

“people like this guy are just plain ***** of course someone is going to call the cops when some nutjob is walking down the street with rifles and/or pistols showing in public . there’s enough school shootings and such going on without people blatantly carrying weopons and scaring the public in general, you want to carry a gun do it concealed but just remember this you fool, you carry it and eventually youtr going to use it and someone just might take it off you and shove it up your *******, then what?”

“Why are people so paranoid, the cop was being very polite and just doing his job if it was some psycho carrying guns and the cops chose to ignore that, now that would go on national news, cops just can’t win”

“Is that seriously a law in Michigan?  If you wanna open carry that’s fine, but if a police officer(or anyone really) wants to make sure you have a permit to do it that seems pretty reasonable.”

“…you stupid guy.. just give him your ID! You are the ***** here, buddy. You didn’t “school” anyone here.”

And it goes on and on.

The issue is that everything he was doing was legal. This man increased the freedom of every American, because now this cop knows that the law says he can’t demand ID and people can do lawful things even if it upsets or offends others.
You can think it’s unwise for him to walk around with guns. You can think it’s unwise for him to seek confrontation with the police. You can think whatever you want, but your opinion doesn’t count for anything. He is a grown man and can do whatever he likes within the law.


Ignorant Cops

Six Christians Arrested in New Jersey for Evangelizing.

I can just see these dirt bag, ignoramus cops saying all of this stuff:

Officer Baker demanded identification from all of the Christians under the threat of arrest. Parker said that at first he declined, but police insinuated that if they provided identification, everything would be fine. However, that did not turn out to be the case.“He told us, ‘That will cost you $250 a piece,’” Parker recalled the officer stating. “He said, ‘Anybody who is with them gets a ticket.’”

Parker explained that the police also confiscated the mobile phone of one of the Christians who was recording the incident, contending that it was against the law for them to record police, and that the officers were taking the phone as part of an investigation.

Jersey City police told them that they were not permitted to hand out tracts in the entire city without government permission.

“He kept asking me, ‘Do you know where you’re at? Do you know where you’re at?” Parker outlined.

When contacted, the Jersey City Police Department stated that because members of the public were upset with the message being proclaimed, the officers had a right to prevent potential violence. They stated that in such cases, police protocol is to disperse the crowd and silence the speaker.

Another One From Bo

This one is really important.



Our government is a reflection of our preaching; what comes out of our pulpits tells the government how far it can go in destroying liberty without expecting pushback. The real culprits for tyranny are not government agents who do injustice but church ministers who preach non-resistance.


Jesus actually DID resist tyranny, and did tell others to do so. Why would He be killed if He didn’t resist tyranny in one way or another? Was He killed by tyrants because of His obedience to them? Why would a tyrant kill someone who is perfectly obedient and submits in everything?

Resistance comes in many different shades, and not all resistance is armed resistance, and not all submission is obedience. And armed resistance is not excluded, but it is not to be used foolishly either; the rules for war in Like 14:31 apply when we talk about our relation to a tyrannical civil government.

More From Bo


If De Blasio had Ronald Reagan’s courage, he’d fire every single one of those NYC cops who turned their backs on him. If these cops want others to respect their authority, they should respect the authority over them. By this act, the cops declared to the public, “We want others to obey the law and respect us but we will remain lawless and disrespectful.” They should be fired, their benefits suspended, their right to take another city job taken away; and if the NYC needs to have a police department, they should start building it from scratch, so that this corrupt lawless scum in blue uniforms doesn’t pollute the city with their crimes anymore.


After this there was a decent amount of conversation, here are a few more highlights:

Desmond says, “Don’t get me wrong. Cops that break the law should be punished in a court of law. But think about it. If you fire all those cops you will end up with lawlessness. Trust me no one is in line to be a cop in New York at the moment.
Bojidar responds, “I can’t trust you on that. I can’t see a wave of resignations.
When you fire all these cops, you will take care of a huge part of lawlessness. In the last 10 years, crime has been on decline everywhere in the civilized world, and the only category of crime that has been on the rise is crimes committed by cops. Besides, 90% of the work of the NYPD has nothing to do with crime but with enforcing revenues regulations, collecting money for the city. And those 10% who have something to do with crime have no obligation to prevent crime or to protect anyone, by a court’s decision. By and large, the NYPD was created to serve Tammany Hall, and has never had the function of serving the people or protect them from crime.
So, no, it won’t end up with lawlessness. What it will end up with is the city being forced to change the gun laws for private citizens. And that’s it.
The US didn’t have cops for a long time in its history. Most localities had only the Sheriff, and he was an agent of the court, serving warrants, not “maintaining order.” And everything was alright, and private citizens were doing alright without cops. So you can’t really be “reminded” about that without pointing to the fact that everything was alright without them. You have no “memory” of the US – or any other place – which fell into lawlessness because it didn’t have cops. If anything. lawlessness was created by cops in quite a few places.
The courts seldom hear cases against cops. Prosecutors make sure those cases never pass the Grand Jury – like the two murders of Brown and Garner. When a case reaches the court, the court often does the right thing.
Desmond, “And guys I tend to lean towards a libertarian view. I’m just not keen on the idea a no cops.
Bojidar says, “Such statements bring back memories of Eastern Europe in the early 90s, when the old Communist price controls were still in force and the stores were all empty, and the anti-Communist politicians insisted on lifting the price controls and liberalizing the market. The older generation was terrified, for they had never seen anything else but government controls. So their reaction was, “Can you imagine what it will be without government price controls? The prices will skyrocket and no one will be able to afford to buy anything!”
Well, eventually the price controls were lifted. Within a week or two, the stores were full as never before (waiting in lines was normal under Communism), and the prices jumped a little bit and then returned pretty much to the same level, because of the competition. So everything was alright.
I remember it because my son was 1 year old when the price controls were removed in Bulgaria and we couldn’t buy anything in the stores, no food, no diapers, no clothes.
Respecting a cop for being a person is one thing. Obeying a cop because he is a cop is another thing. Idolizing the cop because he is supposedly fighting crime is a third thing altogether.
By the way, what crime was the cop fighting in the above example of stopping a motorist for a light?