Ignorant Americans

Why is America in the sad state it is in? Why do cops feel free to harass people and think they have a right to require ID? The answer is because Americans are ignorant of their rights. Below is evidence for that. It is the first several comments (with redacted cuss words)on the video below:

“I feel like these guys with open carry licenses go out HOPING someone tries to stop them to start ********.”

“people like this guy are just plain ***** of course someone is going to call the cops when some nutjob is walking down the street with rifles and/or pistols showing in public . there’s enough school shootings and such going on without people blatantly carrying weopons and scaring the public in general, you want to carry a gun do it concealed but just remember this you fool, you carry it and eventually youtr going to use it and someone just might take it off you and shove it up your *******, then what?”

“Why are people so paranoid, the cop was being very polite and just doing his job if it was some psycho carrying guns and the cops chose to ignore that, now that would go on national news, cops just can’t win”

“Is that seriously a law in Michigan?  If you wanna open carry that’s fine, but if a police officer(or anyone really) wants to make sure you have a permit to do it that seems pretty reasonable.”

“…you stupid guy.. just give him your ID! You are the ***** here, buddy. You didn’t “school” anyone here.”

And it goes on and on.

The issue is that everything he was doing was legal. This man increased the freedom of every American, because now this cop knows that the law says he can’t demand ID and people can do lawful things even if it upsets or offends others.
You can think it’s unwise for him to walk around with guns. You can think it’s unwise for him to seek confrontation with the police. You can think whatever you want, but your opinion doesn’t count for anything. He is a grown man and can do whatever he likes within the law.