Category Archives: Taxation

Oh Well, Life’s Tough

There’s an article in the Daily Record that talks about how mobile home owners who don’t pay their taxes are having investors buy out their taxes and coming to charge them full retail to buy the house back. It sounds like they might have as little as $100-200 in the tax liens, and are then selling the mobile homes for $8000.

The conservative commentator might say, “Oh well, life’s tough. You better pay your taxes. You better obey the law, or that kind of thing will happen.”

The theonomist says the government is stealing tax money from everyone (including those who pay on time) and needs to repent. Property taxes are the most egregious, evil form of taxation that exists. I’m angry at the treasurer and assessor for stealing all this money and ripping people off. I’m also angry that the investors would behave this way.

I’ve purchased property tax liens in the past, and I’ve repented. I no longer own them, I was paid off by the owners. I will no longer participate in such a wicked system.

I used to think the most wicked people in this town might be drug dealers or pornographers. Now, I believe the most wicked people are the county clerk and recorder, who issues gay marriage licenses, the treasurer who aids in the theft of  millions of dollars in property taxes, and the mayor (who currently supports an immoral ballot measure increase sales tax). I would pursue church discipline against them, if I thought I wouldn’t be laughed out of their church because Christians don’t know the difference between right and wrong.

Those officials are nice people. I’m sure they’re nicer than me. They may even be Christians (except for the clerk and recorder; I don’t see how a Christian could issue gay marriage licenses), but pastors aren’t teaching the Bible. I don’t know of any pastors in the state of Colorado who speak on the matter of theft via taxation or might discuss the proper course of action for someone who works for the clerk and recorder and is asked to issue gay licenses or what the congregation’s response to gay marriage ought to be. As far as I know they all ignore it, and I’m sick of it.

Here’s a good example of a celebrity, conservative pastor who doesn’t know his right hand from his left hand.

Ten Difficult Truths

You probably won’t hear this from many pulpits, but the Bible teaches these truths. If you want to learn more, I can help point you in the right direction. These have not been easy pills for me to swallow, and I suspect they won’t be easy for most others, but Christians are to be truth seekers and tellers, regardless of the consequences.

  1.  The U.S. government at every level is antichrist. It is your enemy.
  2. The U.S. dollar system/federal reserve is sinful.
  3. Public school is a sin. Sending your kids there is a sin.
  4. The American law enforcement system is sinful and needs to be abolished.
  5. Drugs aren’t illegal under God’s law, and only tyrants are in favor of them being illegal under man’s law.
  6. Taxation is theft, voting for a tax increase is a sin.
  7. To have government agents controling the border is sinful.
  8. Requiring driver’s licences, building permits, liquor licences, business licences and on and on is a sin.
  9. Prison/jail is an unjust, wicked punishment.
  10. The U.S. has fought many unjust wars, and having a standing army is a judgment from God.

I’m not offering my opinion. These items are biblical truths. You are sinning if you send your kids to public school, are in favor of closed borders, support police, are in favor of keeping drugs illegal, vote for tax increases, etc.

These are controversial topics, but like I said, I’d be happy to explain why these items are true from the Bible.


Swarms of Officers

Operating a business in this country is living out the Declaration of Independence. One of the grievances listed says, “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”

Some pencil pusher from the state asked my partner if he’s filled out a DR740XYZ form the other day. Who knows what that form is about, but I’m sure it is so that they can tax us more efficiently.

In America in 1776, was it worse than what I’m going through today? I don’t know, but I’m dealing with city, county and the state in this deal from tax agents to building inspectors, and it never seems to end. Even the feds have requirements for flood insurance. The government has their hand in every aspect of the business.

When are the American people going to wake up? When are we going to realize this isn’t the land of the free anymore?

What Belongs To Caesar?

So many Christians quote the passage below (Mark 12:13-17) and say Jesus was teaching that you have to pay taxes, and that taxation is valid, because Jesus even gave his blessing here to Rome’s taxation. But is that really what He was saying?

Paying Taxes to Caesar

13 And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians, totrap him in his talk. 14 And they came and said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For you are not swayed by appearances,[c] but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to paytaxes to Caesar, or not? Should we pay them, or should we not?” 15 But, knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, “Why put me to the test? Bring me a denarius[d] and let me look at it.” 16 And they brought one. And he said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said to him, “Caesar’s.” 17 Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.

Rome’s occupation of Israel was God’s judgment on them, along with this tax. Additionally, the individuals attempting to trap Jesus were in rebellion to Christ, they were carrying Roman coins with blasphemous sayings on them into the temple. They were deserving of God’s judgment. I don’t think God’s use of Caesar to judge Israel is something that should be taken to legitimize such taxation or even a less brutal form of taxation. It certainly can’t be taken to mean that taxation by threat of violence is something that ought to be desired.

Jesus telling these individuals that they ought to pay the tax is not the same as saying that this particular tax is righteous. And Jesus wasn’t saying that future governments can implement whatever tax they might dream up. He just didn’t even speak on that, because He wasn’t addressing Caesar, but the taxpayers. When Jesus said they they were to render unto God the things that are God’s, He would also have told Caesar that he needs to render unto God the things that are God’s. It may be Caesar’s image on the coin, but God owns everything.

You see this scenario play out in the book of Philemon where Paul sends the slave Onesimus back to Philemon, his slave owner. This isn’t the Lord blessing the institution of Roman-style slavery or human ownership. It is taking things one step at a time, knowing that the gospel applied to culture will kill slavery eventually. It did destroy slavery in Rome, and it will destroy unjust taxation someday.

For a much more thorough examination of this passage, from someone much smarter than me, check out this article.

You Don’t Hear This From a Pastor Every Day!

Here’s what Gordan Runyan, a pastor in New Mexico had to say about the US government and its taxation:

 I don’t believe an antichrist government (one that is explicitly NOT obeying the King, and is in violation of its narrow, stated mission re: Romans 13) can collect a just tax, period. If they are in purposeful violation of their mandate, they have no right to the mission funding.

I love it!

He wrote the book “Romans 13 and the Christian Duty to Oppose Wicked Rulers” and I highly recommend it. It is short and easy to understand.


Blown Opportunity


I’m sick of myself today as I missed an opportunity to speak up to a micro-tyrant. Not only that, but it took me weeks to realize how badly I blew it.

On January 4, I went in to the Fremont County motor vehicle department to register a car I bought. That was the first work day after New Year’s Day weekend, and the deadline for registering the car. I would have incurred a late fee had I not registered the car that day.

Fremont County offices are closed on Friday. They started doing  that a few years ago to save money. Since Friday was January 1, they decided to close on Thursday December 31 for New Year’s Day. The end of the month is a deadline for registrations to be renewed.

The guy sitting at the desk next to mine was going to be charged a non-nominal (though I don’t remember how much, maybe $20) late fee for having missed his December deadline. He explained that he had come on Thursday, and their offices were closed. He complained to the clerk, and she called over a higher-up to explain.

The higher-up said she had to charge a late fee to several people in his situation that day, and told them to take it up with the county commissioners for having declared December 31st a day off.

Here’s what I should have said:

Hey man, she’s just doing her job. Just like the Nazis who shoved the Jews into the ovens were just doing their job. She checks her conscience at the door every day and thinks that having a government job entitles her to rob people.

Ma’am, you can’t push the blame for your willingness to steal off on the county commissioners. Your job consists of forcing people to run the bureaucratic gauntlet of an evil, antichrist government. You produce nothing of value. You will stand before the Lord and give an account some day for every penny you’ve stolen.

None of the theft this government commits is possible without regular people like you making it happen. The Nazi guards didn’t get away with killing Jews by blaming their superiors. Neither will you get away with stealing by blaming your superiors. So at least be honest and say that YOU are enforcing these wicked rules and evil registration fees. You can’t blame anyone but yourself, and it’s not happening without you or someone like you.

If the commissioners had chosen to take Monday off rather than Thursday, I would have been in that guy’s position. We need to stand up for each other, and speak up for each other. There is no other weapon we have at this point other than to boldly speak the truth. Lord, give me the words to say and the courage to say them. Help me to not be so self-absorbed as to not think of others when they’re facing injustice.

Quality Public Education?


If you’re forced at gunpoint to pay for a service, it might be because that service is substandard. If it’s not substandard at the beginning, it will tend to be substandard as time goes on.  If it wasn’t substandard, they wouldn’t have to force people to pay for it.

We’re all forced to pay for other people’s children to be educated in public school. We all hold up our end of the bargain as only a tiny fraction of property taxes in this country go uncollected within months of the due date. However, public schools don’t need to hold up their end of the bargain as a Michigan judge has ruled.

So just as police don’t have a duty to protect people (like we’re forced to pay them to), schools don’t have to provide quality education (like we’re forced to pay them to). Socialism doesn’t work.

Theft Is OK Because The School Board Voted On It

This guy is paying $7 grand in property taxes for the school district in $1 bills. At 2:40 he gives a little speech, and the tax collector interrupts him and says the school board are the ones who voted to tax real estate, not her.

So what?

What if a band of thieves voted to rob me. When the guy they send to stick me up says, “Sorry, dude, the band of thieves voted to rob you.”

Stealing is stealing, even if it’s the government. The tax collector lady and the school district are no better than the band of thieves.

One way a regular guy can contribute to the thievery is by buying municipal bonds. Muni bonds are a way for government entities to raise money, by having people lend them money and paying back the money with interest later. Of course, the only significant source of income most government has is taxation. So by buying muni bonds, you’re relying that the government will continue stealing from people efficiently enough to pay you back. It’s lending money to the band of thieves. We need to stop cooperating with them in any way we can.