Theft Is OK Because The School Board Voted On It

This guy is paying $7 grand in property taxes for the school district in $1 bills. At 2:40 he gives a little speech, and the tax collector interrupts him and says the school board are the ones who voted to tax real estate, not her.

So what?

What if a band of thieves voted to rob me. When the guy they send to stick me up says, “Sorry, dude, the band of thieves voted to rob you.”

Stealing is stealing, even if it’s the government. The tax collector lady and the school district are no better than the band of thieves.

One way a regular guy can contribute to the thievery is by buying municipal bonds. Muni bonds are a way for government entities to raise money, by having people lend them money and paying back the money with interest later. Of course, the only significant source of income most government has is taxation. So by buying muni bonds, you’re relying that the government will continue stealing from people efficiently enough to pay you back. It’s lending money to the band of thieves. We need to stop cooperating with them in any way we can.