Category Archives: Taxation

This Guy Makes A Lot of Good Arguments


The following is taken from page 127 of “Government Indicted” by Marc Stevens.

“But taxes are the life-blood of government, and their prompt and certain availability an imperious need.” Bull v. United States, 295 U.S. 247; 55 S. Ct. 695; 79 L. Ed. 1421 (1935).

This idea is constantly reinforced. You’ll get notices from tax agencies about all the good things done with taxes, e.g., infrastructure, social security, aid to Israel, tsunami relief, etc. You then have two political parties relentlessly arguing about what the booty should be used for: conservatives argue the booty should go to law enforcement and the military, and liberals argue it should be for welfare and other social programs.

We fall for this and start arguing with one of the sides, even campaigning for the lesser of the two evils so the booty will be spent wisely. We also vote, which again reinforces the bond caused by the trauma of being controlled, manipulated, lied to, threatened and robbed. It reinforces the idea that we are somehow connected to the abusers; after all, we voted for the president and congress.

Let’s compare this frank admission from John Marshall, a supreme
court attorney and famous Mason, to the Bull quote above:

“That the power to tax involves the power to destroy;”
McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. (17 U.S.) 316, 4 L.Ed. 579

“But taxes are the life-blood of government, and their prompt
and certain availability an imperious need.” Bull v. United
States, 295 U.S. 247, 259; 55 S. Ct. 695; 79 L. Ed. 1421 (1935).

Let me get this straight: the “life-blood of government” is the “power
to destroy.” Nice admission; always good to see the occasional honesty from a gang of madmen.

We Need New Tactics

I’m glad these people are doing something to stand against the lies that have been told about them. But, the problem isn’t the New York Times. They only started the problem. Their real problem is the state. The auditors are coming. The auditors probably don’t carry guns, but men with guns, employed by the state are just a phone call away.

  1. What is the biblical penalty for paying a worker less than minimum wage, assuming the worker agreed to work for that? There is no biblical penalty.
  2. What is the biblical penalty for paying a worker with cash, and not keeping adequate records? There is no biblical penalty.
  3. If a Christian government employee tries to impose a penalty for a “crime” that the Bible says is no crime, they should be placed under church discipline.

That is new tactic number 1. Churches need to place Christian government agents imposing unjust laws on people under church discipline.

New Tactic number 2: Refuse to purchase the bonds the state is requiring. We must obey God rather than men.

New Tactic number 3: These nail salon people have at least dozens of people willing to protest. The next step is for each nail salon to refuse to be audited, and to call on these protesters to block the doors if necessary. Hopefully other citizens who care about liberty will join them.

We no longer live in a capitalist or free country. The tactics we’ve employed thus far have not worked. Suing the government in government courts with tyrannical judges doesn’t work. We need new tactics. We need to sweat the small stuff. I care about the liberty of Chinese immigrants in New York who don’t speak a lick of English. I want liberty for them, and I will stand with them given the opportunity.

Stick It to the Tourists


Fremont County voters approved the indefinite extension of a 2% lodging tax yesterday. It seems perfect, because no one who voted for it actually has to pay the tax; I doubt there are many registered voters living out of a motel.

Isn’t it great that we can “legally” steal money from people who most likely are just visiting. After all, when we go out of town, we are charged a lodging tax. Never mind the golden rule; the true golden rule of modern Christianity is, “Government can do whatever it wants.”

Ultimately all taxes are collected at gun point. But we Americans are a meek people, so it rarely ever comes to that. Nevertheless, that is what you voted for if you voted in favor of this tax–the use of force and violence to collect funds to advertise to tourists. While voters may have legalized this tax under man’s law, it remains illegal under God’s law.

Cut Off Funding

This is a great interview! Chipping away at local issues  is something the average person can be doing. Everyone is worried about the presidential candidates while it’s the local school district, building department and police that are killing liberty. What if we were able to eliminate a proposed tax increase to support those organizations– Or maybe even cut their budget?

I’ve always thought of local politics as boring, but I can really have no effect on a presidential election, whereas I can have an effect on local issues.

Here’s the interview:

And here’s Paul Dorr’s website:

Great Discussion on Homeschooling: Is Accepting Stolen Money a Sin?

I’ve written on this blog that I think that accepting tax money that was stolen is a sin. I was surprised to see what Bojidar Marinov had to say on that:

“I am not so hard-core as many people: I don’t believe USING tax money is sin per se, and I don’t believe we should excommunicate people for being on government payroll. It’s not because I am lax on the Law of God but because an ethical/judicial view of the Law requires that I focus on where the REAL CRIME is: The process of TAKING the money, not the process of their distribution. Thus, you won’t hear me criticizing government schools for the fact that they use tax money: the money is already stolen, and the secondary use of stolen money is not declared a crime in the Bible. In fact, short of returning that money to the tax-payers – which we don’t have the power to accomplish, yet – distributing it to areas where Christians will make use of it is a sort of “common-grace” remedy which mitigates against the worst aspects of the crime of taxation. Declaring the use of that money sin would guarantee that the money is forever lost for any good cause.”


I can see his argument, but I think the following comment from Paul Dorr closes the deal for me.


“…the process of distributing it” is not a real crime? Not sure I understand your position on this Bojidar Marinov. Consider Prov. 29:24 which says, “Whoever is a partner with a thief hates his own life; He swears to tell the truth,[a] but reveals nothing.” Government school administrators and teachers lie every day (in my work) about how they spend the stolen money. They clearly mark themselves as partners with the state/thief.

Psalm 50:18 says, “When you saw a thief, you consented with him…” School administrators and staff consent to spend the stolen money every day.

Even man’s law has a crime on the books called “receiving stolen property”. Not quite as serious as the original thievery, but a crime none-the-less.

Some of the greatest opposition my clients receive daily, is from fellow evangelical Christians with their children in the public school. I believe there is no greater temple to our statist idolatry than government stools….err, schools! We need to remove our children and rip our money out of their hands. God will bring them to an end….and I believe sooner than we think.


Bojidar goes on to say:

I agree with you, Paul, about government school administrators and teachers who lie about the use of the money. And of course, your argument about “consenting with thieves” is perfectly correct.

Here’s an application of the problem, though, where I am
afraid, I can’t see a solution within the more purely perfectionist position you take on it: A communist state where all property is government property, and all business is government business, and thus all jobs are on the government’s payroll. The land is stolen from its original owners, the capital was confiscated from private owners, the industrial facilities are stolen, the technology for production is stolen, the children in the schools and the kindergartens are stolen from their parents, the capital infrastructure was built on the compulsory labor of political prisoners, etc., etc.

A Christian with a family finds himself in such a situation. He has certain gifts and skills, and he knows he has to bide his time instead of going full-scale revolutionary resistance against the government. He has to feed his kids as well. But any gainful employment he can take is on government payroll, receiving stolen money for work, using stolen capital goods, on infrastructure built on the labor of political prisoners.

He has the choice, of course, to refuse to work and thus starve his family. But I somehow can’t see this as the Biblical solution. After all, Joseph could have refused to serve Pharaoh and could have stayed in jail. Therefore, the only judicial solution I see to the issue is that he is free to take a job – which will by necessity be a government job – and that being on government payroll is not sin per se. (Although, I agree with you that school administrators who lie WITH THE PURPOSE OF STEALING more of their constituents’ money ARE in sin.) Therefore, the sin is not in being on government payroll, it is in being on the robbing side of government – which is the case of your school administrators, but not necessarily of everyone who in one way or another receives a pay from the school.

I relate this issue to the much misunderstood issue of Ron Paul’s support for ear-marking funds. It was used by his enemies to create an image of a politician who is in favor of more taxes whereas his position was perfectly logical: “If I can’t stop the increase of the government budget, I need to at least make sure the money is not just given as general spoils to the bureaucrats but its purpose is specifically declared.”

I am willing to hear where I am wrong in this.


Here’s what I say. Bojidar is correct in his example of a communist country. Americans are in the same boat as a citizen of a communist country in some areas. I have no choice but to drive on roads that were built with stolen money. There is no alternative other then flying a helicopter, which is not a viable alternative due to financial constraints. But, where we have a choice, we ought not accept stolen money. And, where we have a choice, but choose to accept stolen money it is a sin.

End Public School

Public school should be abolished. There are many reasons.

1. Public school is funded by socialism. People are forced to pay taxes, and that money is given to other people. This is enforced by violence or at least the threat of violence.

2. Jesus said, “Whoever is not with me is against me” (Matthew 12:30). Is public school for Christ? If not, then it is against Christ.

3. Public school being against Christ leads to huge moral problems.

4. It is none of the government’s business whether kids go to school. God put education under the purview of parents–not government. When government usurps parental authority it is a sin.

5. The free market will offer better, cheaper, non-violent solutions and choices to people.

6. Public School is technologically obsolete.

We Americans like to think of ourselves as the best in the world at everything, but our school system is right up there with…Lithuania. The American public school system ranks 30th in math in the world; 23rd in science and 20th in reading. We were beat out by Estonia. If you wish to offer a defense of public school, you’re defending mediocrity.

1. Public School Is Socialism

Even conservatives and Christians (while railing against Obamacare and big government) send their kids to government schools. I think it never crosses most people’s minds that they’re taking part in socialism. Public school is often looked at as the only choice. It’s no wonder we’re losing the battle for our culture when we are so inconsistent. Socialism is immoral, because the government has no more right to steal from people than anyone else.

Public school is mostly funded by property taxes. In Colorado, if you don’t pay your property taxes, after three years, the sheriff is going to show up to move your stuff out to the curb. Even if you own your house free and clear, you better make dang sure you’re paying your property taxes, or your house WILL BE STOLEN. The deputies will drag you out kicking and screaming. So, public school is funded by violence and theft. If it weren’t, rest assured, I wouldn’t pay these unjust taxes.

Whether I like it or not, whether I have kids or not, I have to pay the government, and they redistribute it as they see fit. I’ve heard people argue that them stealing from me is OK, because I get to vote. Even if I had a zillion votes, stealing wouldn’t be OK. They have a monopoly on education because it’s legal for them to use force to keep it. Not because they offer the best product, but strictly by force.

2. Public School is Against Christ

All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ Jesus (Colossians 2:3). Yet, it is illegal to show favoritism to Christianity in public school. Christians believe that Jesus is Lord; He is the Creator, but we can’t show preference to Him over Vishnu, Buddha or the flying spaghetti monster. It is foolishness on display. It is God’s judgment, yet Christians continue to send their kids there. It’s shocking to me.

3. Moral Problems

If evolution were true, humans are nothing more than a species of animal. There is no inherent value to our lives, because only God can confer absolute value to anything. There is no right and wrong. There is no absolute truth. Knowledge is not possible. To pretend that this teaching doesn’t have consequences for society is to put your head in the sand.

At least the guy in this video admits his worldview leads to a lack of certainty in knowledge. He can’t live consistently with that, but at least he admits it.

We wonder why schools get shot up and 50 million babies have been murdered by their mothers. If you tell people they’re animals long enough, they’ll start to act like animals.

4. Forcing People To Send Their Kids To School Is Wrong

If you don’t send your kids to school, the truancy officer is going to take your kids. I’m noticing a pattern with these government thugs. They’re into force and violence. If someone wants to educate their child in a way that the government doesn’t like, watch out!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 says, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

The Lord wants us to teach our children as we live our lives with them. Nowhere in there does it say it might be a good idea to send the kids to the government.

5. The Free Market Is Better

You don’t have to be a greedy capitalist to know that when there is competition in providing goods or services, the price goes down and the quality goes up. The government gives themselves a huge advantage by taking money from everyone and they still end up mediocre.

What if the government was relieved of its monopoly and the entrepreneurs, teachers and parents were set free to innovate and come up with new ways of teaching. Maybe home school a little, and send Johnny to a teacher for a specialized subject he’s interested in. Maybe someone will invent, create or discover a new way that is really effective for teaching a subject, because millions of people aren’t stuck in a government mold.

6. Technology Has Made Public School Obsolete

There are ivy league universities that have put all their classes on Youtube. Why pay $100.000 or more for a piece of paper, when the true benefit of education (the education) is free? More and more people are going to realize this and forego college in favor of education. Isn’t the measure of an education what you do with it rather than whether you jumped through hoops? Obviously, this would be even easier for elementary through high school.

There are already online public schools. This eliminates the costly real estate and maintenance costs of public school. You could lay off a lot of teachers. Those are the two main costs of public school. Maybe this will be the first step in eliminating public school. You could send all the kids home and teach them there and immediately cut the budget by 80% or more. That puts the costs within reach of families to pay their own way, or be assisted by charities if necessary.

Maybe some school district will attempt this on their own–send the kids home, sell their real estate, lay off most of their staff, and cut property taxes by 50% or more.

You could have the greatest teachers in the country teach their subject’s lessons and then have online assistants to answer questions or grade paperwork.

Of course, all of this is already happening. It’s just that only a small percentage of Americans are taking advantage.

The free market is better than government monopoly.

The bottom line is I don’t consent to this socialistic school system. I don’t like being threatened with force so others can get their way.

To check out more articles on why public school should be ended, check out this list.

Local Fascists

Fascism is defined as government control of business. This differs little from communism where government owns all business.

Fascism suffers some bad press by being associated with Hitler. He was a fascist, but genocide and racism are a separate issue from fascism. You can be a fascist, and still love people of all colors and creeds. Nevertheless, fascism is evil.

The problem is that fascism is not only alive and kicking in this country. At this point, we are a fascist country. There’s probably only a handful of businesses you can start without getting all kinds of permits. When starting a business expect a swarm of inspectors and hoops to jump through. No one in their right mind can pretend this is capitalism or free-market economy anymore.

What is really sad is that people in my own community are out-and-out fascists. Here are a few examples from a local Facebook page.

Laura Dudgeon Ornelas said, “Rant: to all of you who breed and sell your dogs. Do you know where every puppy goes, really? …Do you track the health and well being of every puppy through its lifetime? …Pad your pockets while animals suffer and other people shell out their money and pieces of their soul and hearts to fix what you have done.”

First of all, how would it even be possible for a business person to track a dog for 10-15 years? What if the owner isn’t cooperative, or moves out of town? Furthermore, dogs don’t have souls. They’re not created in the image of God. They should certainly not be abused, but they are the property of their new owner. Dog breeders provide a valuable service of increasing the supply of dogs, thereby reducing the price.

Here’s another example, from the same thread. Amanda Lackore said, “I was just talking to my husband about how people who breed need to have special licenses. I have to pay $6000 a year for my business license. I also believe those without one should get fined/jailed. I have seen 4 liters of pit pups for sale the past month. That’s about 40 pups that you know most will end up in the shelter.”

On one hand, she’s the victim of fascism, having to pay an outrageous bribe to operate. On the other hand, the government is her best friend, helping raise the barriers to entry into her field, which helps eliminate competition. The American people and her customers are the true victims.

Quinn McGee said, “Every breeder in my opinion is irresponsible. An accidental litter is irresponsible. People breeding to make money is irresponsible. While it may not be simple to you it is simple to me. Every breeder should be required to volunteer at an animal shelter for 24 hours before they are permitted to breed. Although most wouldn’t learn a thing…..they would just keep on breeding. It’s all about the greed.”

People supplying a product in order to make money isn’t irresponsible or greedy. It is capitalism, and everyone, including Ms. McGee provides a product or service in exchange for money. Is she greedy? In America, we all enjoy the fruit of previous generations of people seeking a profit.

And she thinks breeders should be required to volunteer at an animal shelter before receiving their permit. So, she’s in favor of using violence to get her way. She would have government agents with guns enforce her opinion. This is outrageous. This is slavery, and these people are too stupid to see it.

This is supposed to be the land of the free. What we have is quasi free-markets sustained by bribery in the form of licenses and permits.

People wonder why jobs are going overseas. The answer is simple. It’s more expensive to do business in a fascist country.