Church Isn’t The Place for Serious Christians

That title is the most provocative chapter title from a great book by Stephen Perks. It is free as both a pdf or audio. It’s short and says so many of the things I’ve been thinking.

Here’s the link.

One of the most important things he points out is that Jesus said we are to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. That isn’t just personal piety. It’s seeking to build God’s kingdom and seeking justice. We aren’t to seek first to plant churches or go to church every Sunday or invite people to church or spend tons of time around the church or have our lives revolve around church. “Church” isn’t even the biblical word for the 501c3 corporations or Sunday morning event. “Church” is the body of Christ–all believers make up the church. Almost nothing about the Sunday morning deal is in the Bible. We’re not commanded to do anything on Sunday morning or any other particular day. We’re to love other people and seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Here’s a meme I saw on Facebook recently.

I don’t know who Brian Suave is, but this was reposted by a pastor. Of course, a pastor wants people to build their lives around the church. That’s a cult as far as I’m concerned. Stephen Perks calls it a mystery cult. The mystery is in opposition to building God’s kingdom. I’ve experienced it and it’s almost always true, at least 99% of the time.

We are supposed to do some of those things as far as serving others and building God’s kingdom, but there is simply nothing in Scripture about doing anything like the meme says.

The church as we know it is good for nothing but being thrown out and trampled as it is salt that has lost its savor. It is failed and salt that’s lost it’s savor cannot be restored but can only be thrown out.

I definitely recommend downloading the book.