Cop Tells Another Cop How To Get Out of a Traffic Ticket

This bit of advice was taken from a forum where a NYPD cop was outraged that his wife was given a ticket by another agency. He wasn’t outraged that she was pulled over, because she really was speeding, but because the ticketing officer refused to let her off after she showed him her husband’s union card.

So the advice is to ask for all the information about the radar detector and the tuning forks and the FCC license, as this will teach the cop a lesson, and also get you out of a traffic ticket, because he apparently is quite confident that cops are doing shoddy work and will inevitably be unprepared. So here it is, bad grammar and all:

take it to court,
demand discovery then an adjournment, then after he testifies demand to see his qualification certificate, the fcc lic. for unit, and the testing certification paperwork for the unit used to cloick the wife. whern he fails to produce demand a dissmissal

I haven’t had a speeding ticket in a few years, and have never tried this, but it is consistent with advice from others I’ve seen about how to get out of a ticket. It is reasonable that they should have their paperwork in order. I’m sure if citizens don’t have their license, registration and insurance paperwork in order, we would get a ticket. It seems like they should have to show their paperwork as well. If everyone fought their ticket, it would destroy the court system and end this unjust system of traffic enforcement and revenue collecting.

I wrote about the despicable behavior of the cops on that forum here.