DNA Code

This isn’t the usual thing I would put on this blog, but it’s cool to see. There’s a couple of things to notice in this. It sounds like these guys are old earth creationists, whereas the Bible clearly teaches that the earth is approximately 6000 years old.

And here’s my criticism of intelligent design. They think that if they present enough evidence, they will convince someone that there is a Creator. They’re not even trying to convince anyone of the God of the Bible, but just general theism. But the Bible says that we all know the true God exists, and we reject Him, because we love our sin (Romans 1). We don’t need to try to convince anyone, because they already know Him. They just haven’t submitted to Him.

That being said, evidence is great for Christians and true science glorifies God and is only possible because God upholds the universe in an orderly, predictable fashion.