Fake Kindness

I’m a mean guy. I point out when people are hypocritical and covetous and advocating theft. My comments are just mean. The people who want to rip me off, now, they’re the nice ones. They just want to get along and wonder why everyone they’re threatening to financially attack is being so stingy. Why don’t we care about the children?

I’m particularly sickened by “conservatives” who are advocating socialist programs like public school. They should know better. Here’s an example of someone who pretends to be a rock-ribbed conservative who could explain why socialism is bound to fail and how Bernie Sanders is a moron.

Her post started out asking for people in the tea party group to sign some petition so that her kids’ school district will be slightly less evil. This would be like asking for the strip club her husband frequents every day to reduce the price of their Buffalo wings. It only legitimizes the strip club and her husband’s adultery. All she’s doing when she begs the government for some favor is legitimizing the theft that funds public school and secular humanist education.

Here’s the conversation:

She posted a couple more responses making similar arguments, and then she either blocked me or deleted the post. I was a little bit on the confrontational side, but some people need a wake up call. Good people who yearn for the truth won’t be offended by a little confrontation. They may dislike you in the moment, but they will love you for telling the truth.