False Presuppositions of Conservatives Revealed in Border Debate

Of course, not every conservative believes all these things, but as a whole, the arguments conservatives make against open borders reveal their false presuppositions–the beliefs behind the arguments.

1. Restricting immigration is like a homeowner locking his front door.

This argument presupposes that the government owns the entire country. That philosophy is known as socialism. A conservative who uses that argument reveals that they’re actually socialists. No wonder this country is such a mess when even the conservatives are socialists.

2. The population is already too great.

This argument presupposes that the free market is incapable of inducing people to solve problems (more socialist presuppositions). Housing will be built. Solutions to municipal water shortages will be found. People will move away from expensive places to cheaper places. If Mexico loses too many people, prices for real estate will go down, and wages will increase, and people will stay there or move back. The governments of countries that are losing people will have to straighten up and actually serve the people, or reduce taxes and regulation (gasp…freedom).

And besides that, have you ever driven across the country? There are certainly big cities, and even long stretches of places that are densely populated like LA to San Diego or Washington D.C. to Boston, but the vast majority of the country is uninhabited. There are places in the southwest that may not have enough water to support a large expansion of the population. But many places, like the Midwest have a lot of water, and are very sparsely populated. Entire states could support a many-fold population increase.

Also, if conservatives want to use this argument, they’re using the same argument as population control and abortion advocates.

3. Our culture would change.

The false presupposition is that our culture shouldn’t change. We’ve murdered 60 million babies, and millions of innocent people through the warfare state. Our taxes are outrageous. The vast majority of people send their kids to the government for their education. There are a lot of good things about America, but an unbiblical border policy isn’t one of them. How is God going to bless a country that is so fearful and hateful towards outsiders, when we were all once outsiders?

Most hispanics who come here are Catholic, and I think Catholics have a false gospel, but they have a generally Christian worldview. They value children, family, thrift and hard work. They are more American than Americans. They have some shortcomings, but I have found them to be great people.

Muslims who come here from the middle east are leaving the Muslim world–not because it’s so great, but because they prefer something else. Most Muslims are nominal Muslims, and I think if a concerted effort were made, Islam would be defeated by the superior Christian worldview through evangelism. I think most Muslims who come here would have no problem complying with Old Testament restrictions on idolatry.

A page from a book written by a missionary to the Middle East in the early 1900s who says that Islam is on the brink of defeat. Muslim countries are so backwards they force their citizens to get passports and require permits for so many things. The way to defeat Islam is not to become more like Islam.

4. Government can make whatever laws it wants.

This argument just reveals idolatry. Government cannot make whatever laws it wants. God is our lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22). The government’s only job is to punish evildoers (Romans 13:4). Crossing a border isn’t a sin, and therefore, no government permission is required to do something that isn’t a sin.

This bears out historically. America’s borders were completely open until the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 (Which was obviously stupid. Chinese-Americans are usually high-achieving and contribute to society. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a homeless Chinese person).

There is no power in the Constitution for Congress to regulate immigration. And before you quote anything about naturalization, look up what that word means, it’s not the same as immigration.

5. They’ll take our jobs.

Only a true socialist–like the government-educated American conservative–could make such a communist argument. The first obvious error is that when people move into an area is that more services are demanded, which means more jobs. The second obvious error is that jobs aren’t owned by the commune (communism) but by the employer. Way to show a complete disrespect to free market economics!

6. Liberals are for open borders.

As you’ve already seen, the “conservative” arguments for restricting immigration are socialist, unamerican and anti-Christian, in other words, liberal. This also bears out in recent American history.