Good Commentary


Joel McDurmon said, “The issues of sovereignty, non-neutrality, and purpose all mean that you have to make the choice for liberty, it will not happen for you. If you leave the decision for someone else, then you have abdicated your individual responsibility. If you accept that civil government can coerce you or others to pay for other people, then you have abdicated the principle of liberty. So, the question of control and command of education forces us before God to choose who shall lead and how.”

In response to that, Paul Dorr said, “To restore Biblical justice and liberty and push back tyranny please read and understand the most basic step starts with the education of Christian children.  There is no place in the Bible for the civil authorities to be involved in public schools.  Dr. McDurmond’s American history, below, stands in contrast to David Barton’s defense of public education from the beginning of America.   (Never forget Barton was once a public school teacher.)”

“The principles Dr. McDurmon lays out below became real to me 20 years ago.  When I challenged Iowa’s compulsory age laws in the mid 1990s in our home-school we not only defended our right to do so, but after being charged by a special prosecutor I, in turn, “prosecuted” the illegitimate public schools system, in the court of public opinion.  In initial proceedings the District Court Judge let the prosecutor know the bar was set pretty high for the him to prove the state could intrude into our sovereign parental realm.  A key element in his assessment, we later learned, was that we refused to take one nickel of government money to educate our children.  (I can thank the late Dutch Christian farmer, Henry Vellema, for teaching me that.)  Later, the prosecutor moved to have the charges dismissed and the court agreed, even in the face of a previous Iowa Supreme Court ruling granting the state’s “authority” in home schooling.”

“What Dr. McDurmon is spelling out below takes faith, complete confidence in Christ our King, and the support of your local Christian fellowship.  When it all comes together there is power, liberty, freedom…that even tyrants recognize and will yield to.  Study this carefully and given prayerful consideration.”

“P.S. As I’ve stated in the past my greatest burden through all of this was my compromised legal counsel: Home School Legal Defense Assoc.  They can’t afford to let such Biblical foundations of liberty take hold or their future will be at stake.”