Have You Been Bought?

I had a great, encouraging conversation with a few friends. I didn’t even bring up the subject, but another guy asked whether I would take part in a secessionist movement. Obviously, I’m all for it, and I said so. Everyone else said so too, with one guy saying he’d have to wait and see what the principles of the new nation would be.

I also agree with that. I wouldn’t be in favor of blindly seceding even if the secessionists were a bunch of communists. But I think the assumption behind the question was that it would be a move in a positive direction, and the gist of the question was: would you be willing to stand against old Uncle Sam?

I pointed out that at the very least it would cost us Social Security, public school, etc. And those are really no big deal– things that I’d love to be rid of–but I’m not dependent on those things like other people. But there are other ways that even middle and upper class people can be bought off without being on the government dole.

The guy who said he’d have to see what the principles of the new country would be before answering the question said something like, “In Mexico, the cops can come arrest you for no reason and hold you indefinitely. In America, things certainly aren’t perfect, but if I want a big steak, I have the ability to get one right now.”

That guy isn’t on any type of government assistance, but he’s been bought off with a comfortable lifestyle. Before the housing bubble popped, I heard stories of people who would refinance their house every year and take a $30,000 out. Obviously, that’s an example of foolishness and false wealth, and I’m sure people like that were the first to be foreclosed on in 2008. Those people were bought off by a mirage of wealth created by government meddling.

How else is the US government creating a mirage of wealth for us? The Federal Reserve has kept interest rates artificially low for seven years or so.

  • The currency we use is not backed by anything, they can print as much of it as they like.
  • There are many people and companies that have made a killing off of government programs.
  • There are many people and companies that have made a killing off of supplying the military for endless wars.
  • New York City created taxi medallions that were once worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. They are essentially government permits to operate a taxi, but new technologies have made them nearly worthless (at least last I heard).

I’m sure there are many other ways and other government programs that people use to earn their living or that government uses to create the illusion of wealth. Essentially, who knows what is real and what is fake when the whole system is manipulated by the government?

What it boils down to is that we can buy a big, juicy steak any time we like, and life is pretty comfortable. Why rock the boat when you have a nice retirement coming up in a few years, and a big screen TV? Well, I don’t want to just rock the boat; I want to sink it. 55 million babies have been murdered, and if that was the only justification for secession, it would be enough.

The standard for the righteousness isn’t Mexico, or any other country. The standard is God’s Word.

I spent most of this article answering the objections of my friend, but overall it was an encouraging conversation where I discovered that many people see things the way I do, and are willing to do something about it. If you think talking is going to fix this country’s problems, you better be talking about secession.