
Imagine the most evil U.S. Senator you can think of. I imagine Harry Reid, but there are plenty to choose from. He’s voted for some pretty sick things in his day, but he’s never actually gone out trying to enforce any of the laws he’s put in place.

Dingy Harry has probably never carried a gun, much less shot anyone. He’s never swung a night stick at anyone or thrown anyone in the back of a squad car and taken them down for booking. That’s not his thing. He needs men who carry guns on their hips, willing to do what they’re told, and willing to enforce whatever law is dreamed up, without asking questions.



The same thing goes for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She has a pretty high opinion of herself, thinking that the definition of marriage has been left to her and her peers. But nevertheless, that little old lady won’t be visiting any county clerks brandishing a weapon willing even to kill those who may resist her authority. She has never lacked for men to do whatever wicked thing they’re told to do. It seems even Christian cops do what they’re told.

The Bill of Rights was written in part to protect us from cops. The Fourth Amendment protects us from warrantless searches. Harry and Ruth don’t search people’s property. The Fifth Amendment protects us from having to talk to the cops. Harry and Ruth don’t interrogate people.

The truth is that the argument about what percentage of good cops vs bad cops is that they can only be as good as the laws they enforce. If they enforce unjust laws, they aren’t good cops. If they enforce good laws, and constrain each other to the law, they are good cops. There could be an extra good one or an extra bad one here or there, but on average, they’re only as good as the laws they enforce.

The laws in this country are the pagan laws of a nation under God’s judgment. The cops enforce unjust laws in an unbiblical and un-Constitutional way. Maybe there is a good cop whose particular job doesn’t require him to enforce an unjust law. I don’t know, and can’t think of an example, but I have to leave the possibility open.

I’ll be open to discussing whether there are any good cops when there are hundreds of examples of cops disobeying evil judges and refusing to enforce unjust laws. Until then, they are only as good as the laws they enforce.