Homeschooling Jihadists

The title is taken from this article where Phil Johnson is quoted as calling those who think homeschooling is the only proper way to educate Christian kids, “homeschooling jihadists.” After my meager, but successful experience of homeschooling one kid through kindergarten, I meet the definition of a homeschooling jihadist.

The article, by Bojidar Marinov is well-worth reading. But in the comments is some great info as well.


Mr. Marinov says, “Today, in the US, after the first generation sacrificed and paved the way for us, there are all kinds of support for homeschoolers, and all kinds of data and statistics that only homeschooling – and I will emphasize for those that disagree, as a testimony against them, ONLY HOMESCHOOLING – produces children that are spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually healthy because there is no other environment that the Bible ordains for children but the family. (Children that have no family are called orphans; those that kick their children out of the house for the whole day to go to a place that is not their house have orphanized their children.) There is no excuse.”