I’m Not Voting For the First Time In My Life

I’ve voted in every single election every November since I turned 18. This will be the first time I refuse to vote.

Truth be told, I would prefer that Trump be president if I had to choose between him and Biden and there were no other considerations. Biden has almost nothing going for him, while Trump has a little bit going for him. However, my concern isn’t for the next four years. My concern is for the next 100 years. What will be best for America and my family over the next 100 years. I’m willing to sacrifice four years of bad times if, it means that my great, great grandchildren are better off in 100 years.

Here are a few of my reasons.

  1. Trump doesn’t meet the biblical requirements for a leader. If that was the only reason, that would be adequate, wouldn’t it, Christian?
  2. Christians should only vote for people who meet biblical requirements. We’ve fouled that up for 2016 and 2020 elections by nominating Trump, who doesn’t meet the requirements. The best thing that could happen would be for Christians to refuse to vote for Trump (and Biden). This would cause Trump to lose, and we would suffer for the next four years, but Republicans would be darn sure to find candidates that met biblical requirements for many years to come.
  3. All people are created in God’s image, and have a God-given conscience. If Christians could use Scripture in future campaigns to teach people biblical principles and show why a certain candidate should be elected, who does meet the biblical requirement, and appeal to people’s conscience, I think that would go a long way to elect a godly president.
  4. American government rejects Jesus Christ as Lord. It is impossible to operate in a secular manner. If you believe that murder should be illegal, you’re establishing a religion, or submitting to some religion. Since American government is based on some false religion, I choose not to legitimize it by participating. I don’t think it’s a sin to vote, and I would under certain circumstances.
  5. Taxation is theft. Trump is in favor of slightly less theft via income tax than Biden, but Trump hasn’t done anything about the dozens of other types of theft. In fact, Trump increased theft in some areas by placing tariffs on steel. If Biden wants 50% of my income to be stolen by all the various forms of taxation, and Trump is just fine with 45%, and thinks he’s done something great by only stealing 45% of my income, he’s just a tyrant.
  6. Trump is pro-choice no matter how much Christians insist otherwise. You can read his own words. He’s in favor of murdering certain babies, just not as many as liberals.

In reality, Biden is only slightly worse than Trump. We may have dug ourselves into such a huge hole with or moral depravity and national debt that it doesn’t matter who is president. America will be a smoking crater in four years. When will God call us to account for 60 million murdered babies and all our other sins and theft?

Stop wasting time worrying about who is president. Spend the other 364 days per year focused on doing the things we can do, and work to advance the kingdom of God where we can–locally, with our own family and neighborhood. I have many ideas for everyday steps we can take to advance God’s kingdom. But the strategy for most Christians seems to be to declare each election to be the most important ever, and for the rest of the year lament how this country is going to hell in a hand basket and do nothing about it except give up and say there’s nothing we can do but wait for Jesus to return. I reject that end-times view and believe that Christ will return when all His enemies are under his feet.