Justice Served In Spite of Another Ignorant Cop

This cop is a joke. He completely fabricated a charge out of thin air. He’s paid to enforce the law, but he doesn’t even know what the law is. He should be charged with fraud for every paycheck he has accepted.

There’s good news on this one though. Here’s how this case turned out, quoted from the faith-freedom.com website mentioned at the end of the video.

Initially, when the men were arrested, the CHP officer stated that it was illegal to “preach to a captive audience.” After the defendants were placed in jail and upon learning that no such penal code prohibits preaching to a “captive audience,”  the officer issued a citation for “impeding an open business” with threats or intimidation under Penal Code Section 602.1(b). However, the DMV was closed at the time the men were there, and they were standing at least 50 feet from the entrance.  So, the district attorney again changed the charges, claiming trespass, after the government realized the business was not actually open and, presumably, saw the video showing no threats or intimidation.

On August 13, 2013, we won the case when the judge ruled in our favor before we even had to put forward any evidence. The DA did not meet his burden of proof, and our clients were found Not Guilty.

They have filed a federal lawsuit and I hope they end up costing the state a lot of money.