Lying or Ignorant Cops

The idiot government employee pulled over a guy for one reason that was shown to be false. Then, he still demands ID and his victim asks for a supervisor. The supervisor shows up and says he can demand ID from any driver regardless of whether they’ve committed an infraction. This is shocking stupidity. I’m going with brassy and bold ignorance from the sergeant rather than lying. I think he really is that big of a moron.

I posted this in a group of people from Midland, Texas (where this took place) and more than half of the commenters were abject boot lickers. Here’s an example:

Driving is a right. That “driving is a privilege” crap is preposterous. This lady is an enormous, embarrassing boot licker. She would have supported the Nazis when they set up checkpoints to inspect everyone’s papers. If the cops followed the law, there would be no video. Men have died for our 4th Amendment rights. Machelle is an unamerican loser.

Here’s another example of a bootlicker.

It’s no surprise to find out a government school teacher is a bootlicker. But if you go around doing everything the government tells you, you might as well have no rights, and all the men that have died for your rights died in vain.

And here’s a comment that shows why we ought to post videos like this in places that aren’t just echo chambers.

If you just want to get along with the cops and do whatever they say, you have no rights. The men who died for your rights died in vain. If you want to protect your rights, you might have to lift a finger and it may cause conflict or even a minor inconvenience.

This video wouldn’t exist if the cops knew the law and obeyed the law. The only law breakers in this video were the cops, and I have no idea why anyone would support their actions in this incident.