Muslim School Or Secular Humanist School

The title of this article is “Marine Dad Makes School PAY the Price After Pushing Islamic Propaganda On Daughter”. First of all, that is the most false title anyone could come up with. The guy didn’t do anything except get himself banned from school property and sue the government in the government’s courts. As if you’ll get a fair trial when the judge and jury are paid by the government.

You know the way to make the school district really pay would be to take your kid out of the school. They receive federal funding based on the number of students, and when you take your kids out, they receive less funding. Homeschooling your kids is also biblical and has the added benefit of not marinating your child’s mind in government propaganda and idolatrous secular humanism for 13 years.

I loathe secular humanism just as much as Islam, if not more. Everyone talks about how little freedom there is in Muslim countries. It’s not like this is such a free country. They take 50% of our income and that is supposed to be better than jizya? (Jizya is the tax a Muslim government requires Christians and Jews to pay.) If sending your kids to a Muslim school would be a sin, sending them to secular humanist public schools is every bit as sinful.