Poor People Do Poor Things

This is a post on Quora that is so true:

If you distributed all of America’s wealth equally to the people, how long would it be before it ended up right back in the hands of the rich and wealthy?
10 years, or less.

If you give a house to someone who can’t afford to maintain the house, the house will quickly end up in ruins.

And what is true of a house, is true of everything of value. I worked at a Cadillac dealership. People would come in who were clearly, and obviously too poor to own a Cadillac. In 5 years, they would have that car turned to junk.

——————— UPDATE—————-

Some people appeared confused about what my point is.

The point I am making with this picture, is that people have this idea that wealth is static. That wealth can just be moved around like houses and hotels on a monopoly game.

So if you just take some wealth from a rich guy, and give it to the poor guy, then poor guy will have wealth now.

But that isn’t how wealth works. Wealth is always dynamic. It is constantly being created and destroyed. It is constantly declining, or being built up.

If you take an expensive car, and give it to a poor person who doesn’t have the means or the desire to maintain that car, it will end up a junk pile.

If you take a house, and give it to someone who can’t, or won’t take care of that house, it will end up a junk pile.

This is unavoidable.

As for the picture, this is Detroit. Rich people packed up and left their homes abandoned. Poor and homeless people moved into those vacant homes. But they couldn’t afford to maintain them. So they were destroyed.


Back to me commenting.

I’ve found the above commentary to be very true. Poor people act in ways that keep them poor. Wealthy people aren’t just lucky (usually). They behaved in a way that made them rich and if you took their money away, they would regain their wealth because they do the things that are necessary to become wealthy. Of course there are exceptions.

I’ve been a landlord for the last 20 years. I’ve told my children that God won’t entrust most of my renters with ever owning a house, because they treat my houses (a domicile that God has entrusted them with) like garbage. Everything we have has been entrusted to us by God and we are to take care of it. If we do a good job, He will entrust us with more. We are to use it not for selfish reasons but to glorify God. If you can’t take care of something, whether with your DIY skills or by having the means to pay someone else, you better sell it or give it up and find something that you’re able to afford and maintain.