Striving for Consistency


Wisdom from Bojidar Marinov:

Cops are liberal democrats. Their unions donate to the Democrat Party 100%. Cops who commit crimes are usually defended in court by Democrat lawyers. (Darren Wilson’s fund-raising campaign was organized by a Democrat politician who describes himself as a Socialist.) The origin of professional police is liberal democrat: The first professional police was established by the corrupt Democrat Tammany Hall in NYC in the 1840s. (The first professional police in Europe was established by the Jacobins in the French Revolution.) Before that, America had no professional police, and the Founding Fathers envisioned no professional police. As late as 1910, conservatives and church ministers preached against professional police, for citizens’ militia.

So we do have a cop problem in America. It’s part of the liberal democrat problem. Professional police is one of the tools of liberal democrats for subjugating the population, whether black or white. It’s their tax collector force.

If you are against liberal democrats, you should be against police. If you are against one, for the other, you are inconsistent. Inconsistency always loses the cultural war. I have seen it in Eastern Europe. You won’t be an exception.