Stupidity Visited on the Second and Third Generation

A few months ago, I wrote this post about a local pastor who apparently has little ability to discern good and evil after decades of being a Christian. Of course that’s not exactly uncommon.

Unfortunately, his son has the same discernment level, and is dragging down the third generation. Thanks, grandpa!

Here’s an article in the Daily Record where this 4-year-old (the grandson of Larry Weaver) and his family pass out thin blue line key chains. The thin blue line is about protecting abortionists, and displays of force.  The thin blue line is a terrorist symbol, but Larry would scoff at that.

Our system of government is evil, and is propped up by the boots on the ground forcing Americans to put up with all kinds of evil. Christians should be working against it at all levels, but instead, this is what we get from Christian leaders in this town.

Here’s why our system is evil and should be opposed by Christians with two brains cells to rub together. The government has self-prohibited from governing in submission to Christ. Unfortunately all choices in this life boil down to being between Christ or absurdity. America has chosen absurdity.  The government cannot give any valid reason for why their laws ought to be obeyed by anyone, save one, the threat of violence. We have a pagan government built on the principal that might makes right, and fools like Larry Weaver are all about supporting it. He should be ashamed and he’s caused his son and grandson to blunder into the same stupidity he’s in.

I agree with one thing that the Weavers are doing. They’re praying for police, and I’m praying for them as well.