Tag Archives: Bojidar Marinov

Trigger Happy NYPD

I don’t think it’s just the NYPD with an itchy trigger finger problem–it’s pretty much every city in America. But certain agencies of the NY city government have noticed the problem. They’re making the housing authority maintenance men wear orange vests to hopefully cause the cops to pause for a moment.

Of course, once there is a criminal that wears an orange vest, the PD will probably put out bounties on guys wearing orange vests.

I love what Bojidar said:

So, the NYC government finally figured out who the greatest threat to safety and security is. It’s the NYPD.

I say, shut the NYPD down.

I couldn’t agree more.

Might Makes Right?

From Bojidar Marinov


“It is for this reason that we see, in modern America, the growth of the police state. Since civil government in America has long lost whatever legitimacy it had under God, its has become a pagan state. Projection of raw power, then, becomes crucial to the maintenance and the legitimization of the authority of civil government. And not only just the projection of raw power, but the exercise of raw power in terrorizing the population is crucial: to destroy the rule of law, which is a testimony for the Gospel, a pagan government must replace it with rule of man, and that rule of man must be exercised against the Law, so that the mighty men may legitimize their authority. The claims that police needs all this excessive firepower to do their job are proven false by the fact that police is one of the safest jobs around; more police officers die of reckless driving than of assaults. The projection of power is needed because for a pagan state, it is the only means to legitimize authority.

It is for this reason the empires in the Bible are described as ravenous beasts who trample, crush, destroy, tear apart, devour their victims. It is not just uncontrollable, occasional impulse of some pagan states; violence and state terrorism against its own population becomes a religious necessity for the pagan state. So whenever you see cops in full military gear facing unarmed protesters, it is not self-protection; it is a religious statement. It is the modern Nimrod using his might to legitimize his right.”

Bo on Abolishing the Police


Bojidar Marinov said, “It becomes clearer and clearer that police are an unnecessary, un-Biblical, and anti-Constitutional institution. We need to abolish it and replace it with court [summons] and armed citizenry. A standing army designed to oppress the citizenry – which is what police are – is an institution of tyranny.”

In response to a comment, he said, “We are just not used to the idea [of abolishing police forces]. This always reminds me of how people in Eastern Europe reacted to the legal changes after the fall of Communism: “What will happen if they remove government controls over prices? What will happen if all business is private and the private owner doesn’t want to hire people? What will happen when the government gets rid of its rental residential properties? What will happen if the land is returned to the owners? What will happen if everyone had a gun?”

The truth is, nothing dangerous will happen if we abolish police today. Our life will continue being the same as before – except that we won’t be extorted for made up “violations” and “crimes.”

The most obvious result will be the disappearance of government revenues. Look at NYC: The cops decided to withdraw from active policing, and the city went about its business with no problem – but then, it was the City government that was really concerned because there were no revenues!”

Great Article From Bo

Check it out here.

bm“If tomorrow the politicians in DC decide to ship you and your family to the concentration camps, which one of the following people is most likely to be the one loading you on the train?
1) a biker;

2) a DC politician;

3) a local cop.

The question is very important, and you should have an answer. A denial in the form of it-can’t-happen-here is not an answer. And your answer will show how much you understand reality.

And, the other question is: If you decide that enough is enough and decide to resist the government, which one of the people above will be the first to join you?

Theonomy or Autonomy

This is awesome information from a super theonomist. We as Americans have set up all these situations where it’s OK for cops or sometimes individuals to kill people. But do our laws line up with God’s law?

This is the article that was the article that was being referred to earlier in the coversation.

Here’s a couple paragraphs to whet your appetite for the beauty of God’s law.


Bojidar Marinov:

I believe that Brown was justified from the very beginning, and Biblically he would be innocent if he had killed Wilson. Wilson was the aggressor from the very beginning, and killing him was a legitimate self-defense.

When you have an aggressor with his weapon pointing at other people, killing that aggressor doesn’t incur bloodguiltiness. Not being guilty for blood when you kill someone is the same as innocent.

Skip down a few comments to the tender, beautiful, juicy meat.

Brown would have been innocent for the specific encounter with Wilson. The other case, the supposed “theft”, was not proven, and Wilson had no right to try to arrest Brown on suspicion.

The concept of “arrest on suspicion” – and the rela
ted concept of “suspect” – are anti-Biblical. There is no law in the Bible that allows any act of violence except for direct defense or self-defense (and that under severe limitations) or under court orders. By the Biblical Law, Wilson was an aggressor. His drawing his gun to shoot at a fleeing unarmed person made him an aggressor who could be killed on the spot. Brown’s charging was justified, then.

By the way, American jurisprudence – at least in theory – is much closer to the Biblical Law on this issue and – at least in theory – doesn’t allow for “executive arrest” (that is, arrest not on court’s orders), and neither does it recognize the concept of “suspect.” Both executive arrest and designating people as “suspects” is a new development, of the last 20-30 years, and is a direct violation of the very principle behind American Law. In this, modern police is fundamentally illegal, for it has appropriated prerogatives that are not given to it by law. Therefore, while not always wise, resisting cops is always legal.

Just about 50 years ago, police could arrest people only on a court warrant, or when directly involved in a crime scene. No cop could arrest anyone on suspicion only, or for “resisting arrest.” If Wilson believed Brown was the thief, he should have followed him, get his name, and then procure an arrest warrant from the court.

So, yes, Wilson had no legal right to try to arrest Brown, and Brown would have been innocent if he killed Wilson. On the other issue, stealing the cigarettes, there we should have had a trial. We never had that. So he is innocent, as far as civil courts go. Before God, it’s another matter.

And to polish off the meal with a delicious desert:

As a common usage with the police, “suspect” was a leftover from the Jim Crow period in the American South. The full term originally was “suspect race” and applied to blacks. It was not defined legally – by the American jurisprudence, there is no such thing as a “suspect”: a person is either “defendant” in court (or “perpetrator”) or “innocent” (that is, free and immune against arrest). The police in the Southern United States during the segregation period used the term “suspect race” for the same reason as it is used to day: to arrest blacks for no reason whatsoever, just to instill terror and insecurity in them and thus keep them under control. After the end of the segregation, the cops just picked up the term and continued using it anyway.

Another term that is being used in a more formal way is “person of interest.” It means the same as “suspect,” and again, it has no legal definition. It was used first against Vietnam-era war-protesters, civil rights leaders, etc. No lesser person than the Attorney General of the US John Ashcroft used the term officially and then had to apologize for it and admit that the law had no legal definition for “person of interest.” (See Hattfield vs. Ashcroft.)

In general, given that “suspect” is not a legal term, we can say that between 60 and 90% of all arrests by police in the US are illegal, and under the Biblical Law (and also under the laws of almost every state) should be classified as kidnapping. If we include every stopping of a civilian by police officers, which is not officially an arrest but practically restricts the freedom of movement of the civilian, the percentage would rise to more than 95%. We can safely say that the two major functions of modern police are extortion and kidnapping. Crime prevention is a rather insignificant side issue – and usually happens by mistake or is an unintentional result of police work.

Another Great Post!

“Where are such preachers today? What do we hold dear? For what are we willing to fight and die? Are we willing even to preach the doctrines of government, liberty, and God’s Law? Where are the sermons, tracts, and pamphlets circulating today from America’s preachers condemning taxes and tyranny? Preachers in the 1760s spoke out, and some spilled their blood, to fight the erosion of jurisprudence and the onset of admiralty courts! Today we have a vast array of this type of court tyrannizing nearly every area of life, and hardly a pulpit even knows, let alone cares, let alone preaches. We had ministers leading men in the sacrifice of their lives and money over intrusive search warrants and seizures of property. Today where are even the sermons on these things?

“Pulpits across this land should be ringing with denunciation of warrantless wiretaps, extrajudicial drone strikes, no-knock warrants, militarization of police, civil forfeiture, the surveillance state, the welfare-warfare state, fiat money, tyrannized markets, executive orders, national emergencies, and a thousand other infractions so extreme and overt they would have driven King George III to join the rebellion himself. And the pulpits are silent.

“The pulpits are silent, the flocks left untrained and unmotivated, and liberty all but dead. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.”

Proper Border Policy

I’ve loved politics since I was a kid. I loved Ronald Reagan. I started watching Rush Limbaugh’s TV show when I was in high school and then his radio show ever since. I’ve noticed along with many other Christians that the Republican party isn’t really all that conservative. Many don’t talk conservatively, and most of the rest of Republicans who may talk conservatively don’t walk conservatively.

As I’ve studied the Bible, I’ve also come to the realization that some of the policies that are considered conservative still aren’t biblical. As Christians, we need to stay biblical. That is why I’m posting these videos that make the case for opening international borders completely.

Christians are people who have submitted to Christ as Lord. That means that we do what He says to do, and believe what He says to be true to the best of our ability. The Bible talks about having open borders, and that settles it for me. Check out these videos that are very eye opening.





Another One From Bo

This one is really important.



Our government is a reflection of our preaching; what comes out of our pulpits tells the government how far it can go in destroying liberty without expecting pushback. The real culprits for tyranny are not government agents who do injustice but church ministers who preach non-resistance.


Jesus actually DID resist tyranny, and did tell others to do so. Why would He be killed if He didn’t resist tyranny in one way or another? Was He killed by tyrants because of His obedience to them? Why would a tyrant kill someone who is perfectly obedient and submits in everything?

Resistance comes in many different shades, and not all resistance is armed resistance, and not all submission is obedience. And armed resistance is not excluded, but it is not to be used foolishly either; the rules for war in Like 14:31 apply when we talk about our relation to a tyrannical civil government.

More From Bo


If De Blasio had Ronald Reagan’s courage, he’d fire every single one of those NYC cops who turned their backs on him. If these cops want others to respect their authority, they should respect the authority over them. By this act, the cops declared to the public, “We want others to obey the law and respect us but we will remain lawless and disrespectful.” They should be fired, their benefits suspended, their right to take another city job taken away; and if the NYC needs to have a police department, they should start building it from scratch, so that this corrupt lawless scum in blue uniforms doesn’t pollute the city with their crimes anymore.


After this there was a decent amount of conversation, here are a few more highlights:

Desmond says, “Don’t get me wrong. Cops that break the law should be punished in a court of law. But think about it. If you fire all those cops you will end up with lawlessness. Trust me no one is in line to be a cop in New York at the moment.
Bojidar responds, “I can’t trust you on that. I can’t see a wave of resignations.
When you fire all these cops, you will take care of a huge part of lawlessness. In the last 10 years, crime has been on decline everywhere in the civilized world, and the only category of crime that has been on the rise is crimes committed by cops. Besides, 90% of the work of the NYPD has nothing to do with crime but with enforcing revenues regulations, collecting money for the city. And those 10% who have something to do with crime have no obligation to prevent crime or to protect anyone, by a court’s decision. By and large, the NYPD was created to serve Tammany Hall, and has never had the function of serving the people or protect them from crime.
So, no, it won’t end up with lawlessness. What it will end up with is the city being forced to change the gun laws for private citizens. And that’s it.
The US didn’t have cops for a long time in its history. Most localities had only the Sheriff, and he was an agent of the court, serving warrants, not “maintaining order.” And everything was alright, and private citizens were doing alright without cops. So you can’t really be “reminded” about that without pointing to the fact that everything was alright without them. You have no “memory” of the US – or any other place – which fell into lawlessness because it didn’t have cops. If anything. lawlessness was created by cops in quite a few places.
The courts seldom hear cases against cops. Prosecutors make sure those cases never pass the Grand Jury – like the two murders of Brown and Garner. When a case reaches the court, the court often does the right thing.
Desmond, “And guys I tend to lean towards a libertarian view. I’m just not keen on the idea a no cops.
Bojidar says, “Such statements bring back memories of Eastern Europe in the early 90s, when the old Communist price controls were still in force and the stores were all empty, and the anti-Communist politicians insisted on lifting the price controls and liberalizing the market. The older generation was terrified, for they had never seen anything else but government controls. So their reaction was, “Can you imagine what it will be without government price controls? The prices will skyrocket and no one will be able to afford to buy anything!”
Well, eventually the price controls were lifted. Within a week or two, the stores were full as never before (waiting in lines was normal under Communism), and the prices jumped a little bit and then returned pretty much to the same level, because of the competition. So everything was alright.
I remember it because my son was 1 year old when the price controls were removed in Bulgaria and we couldn’t buy anything in the stores, no food, no diapers, no clothes.
Respecting a cop for being a person is one thing. Obeying a cop because he is a cop is another thing. Idolizing the cop because he is supposedly fighting crime is a third thing altogether.
By the way, what crime was the cop fighting in the above example of stopping a motorist for a light?