Tag Archives: guards

How Complicit Are Prison Guards In All This Evil?


What Higgs says there is certainly true. But I think it’s even more true about prison guards. There may be good cops if they are working to sabotage the system, and keeping their job as a means to destroy the system and abolish the police from the inside. I doubt there is one such individual in this country, but I hold out hope.

What about prison guards? It’s theoretically possible (though unlikely) that a cop could avoid or refuse to enforce a lot of laws, and maybe keep his job. But by just showing up at work, isn’t a prison guard or employee of whatever sort, enforcing all the laws? Anyone contributing to the maintenance and operation of the prison is helping enforce all the laws on the book, because the main deterrent to breaking the law is prison.

And the very existence of the prison itself is unbiblical. The only valid punishments in the Bible are execution, restitution and lashes. Prison is not an option as punishment, though jailing someone awaiting trial may be acceptable. Anyone who works for prison, and isn’t there to sabotage the system, holds an unbiblical job.

So all the unjust laws, tax laws, drug laws, and whatever ridiculous crimes people may commit to end up in prison are enforced by prison guards and the many prison guards who claim to be Christians that are spending their lives upholding our evil system.