Tag Archives: health

Amazing Keto

It feels premature for me to say that the keto diet is great when I’m still losing weight with it (though I’ve now lost 40 pounds). I’ve been watching this guy’s videos, and it seems like over and over keto solves a health problem. I mention to my wife that keto fixes this or keto fixes that, and she just laughs because she doesn’t yet believe that it can fix so many things.

This video is about fertility issues, and I watched it because we were praying for a couple that is having that problem. But they do mention a lot of amazing things beyond just fertility. They say doctors would be out of business if everyone did keto. There would only be doctors for emergencies and infections and old age.

Obviously, I’m excited about this, and now we just need to figure out if this video would be appropriate to send to our friends. Neither of these guys are Christians, but they have this figured out at least. They say so many things that are contrary to what we’ve all heard that it’s a breath of fresh air.